• Harry Williams (History) presents at Brown University symposium.

    6 March 2003

    Harry Williams, professor of history, presented a paper titled “George S. Schuyler as H.L. Mencken’s ‘Black Clone’: A Reconsideration” at the Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Brown University. The presentation was part of a symposium titled “Race, Globalization, and the New Ethnic Studies.”

  • Paula Arai (Religion) publishes and presents on Zen Buddhism.

    6 March 2003

    Paula Arai, assistant professor of religion, recently published an article titled “Women and Dogen: Teachings and Practices on Equality” in the fall issue of Mountain Record: The Zen Practioner’s Journal. Arai also gave a presentation at the American Academy of Religion conference in Toronto on “Ancestors as Healers in Japanese Buddhism” and a presentation on “Women Living Zen” at Clouds in Water Zen Center in St. Paul.

  • Susan Singer (Biology) and Carol Rutz (Writing Program) present on faculty development.

    6 March 2003

    Susan Singer, professor of biology and Director of the Perlman Center for Teaching and Learning, and Carol Rutz, director of the writing program, presented a panel at the February conference of the Collaboration for the for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning. Their presentation was about the recent faculty development activities at Carleton.

  • Helen Rubin ’90 appears in The Advocate

    4 March 2003

    Helen Rubin ’90 wrote a “My Perspective” column for the March 4 issue of The Advocate featuring the reactions of Rubin and partner Joanna Bare ’89 to the press interest resulting from the birth of their daughter, Linane Rubin Bare, as Washington, D.C.’s first newborn of 2003. Rubin and Bare both majored in physics at Carleton.

  • Nelson Christensen (Physics) pioneered procedures to analyze WMAP data.

    4 March 2003

    Nelson Christensen, associate professor of physics and astronomy, has pioneered many of the procedures used in analyzing Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data. Using the WMAP satellite, researchers have announced numerous exciting new results concerning the overall structure, age, and future fate of the universe. Christensen’s work was acknowledged as having become “the standard tool for analyses . . . and the backbone of analysis techniques.”

  • Susannah Ottaway (History) presents at SSHA and co-edits book.

    4 March 2003

    Susannah Ottaway, assistant professor of history, recently presented a talk titled “Women and ‘the Change’ in Early Modern Europe” at the Social Science History Association’s annual conference. In addition, Ottaway co-edited a book titled “Power and Poverty: Old Age in Pre-industrial Society” which was recently published.

  • Robert “Bob” Meiches ’76 featured in Minnesota Medicine

    1 March 2003

    An article in the March 2003 issue of Minnesota Medicine featured Robert “Bob” Meiches ’76 upon his recent selection as CEO of the Minnesota Medical Association. Meiches majored in biology at Carleton.

  • Wellstone Symposium covered in Star Tribune, Pioneer Press.

    1 March 2003

    Carleton’s Wellstone Symposium, held Feb. 28-March 1 in honor of the late Paul and Sheila Wellstone, was covered in the Star Tribune and the Saint Paul Pioneer Press.

  • Rodger Carlson ’59 featured in Glenwood Springs Post Independent

    26 February 2003

    Rodger Carlson ’59 was featured in a February 26 article in the Glenwood Springs (Colo.) Post Independent titled “Childhood memories of Eureka moments: Author tells of growing up in a Utah mining town.” The article shares highlights from Carlson’s new book “In the Shadows of Eureka Peak.” Carlson is professor emeritus of marketing at Morehead State University in Kentucky. He majored in mathematics at Carleton.

  • Steven Schier comments on approval rating poll

    26 February 2003

    Steven Schier, the Dorothy H. and Edward C. Congdon Professor of Political Science, was quoted in a February 26 Associated Press story titled “Poll shows respectable approval ratings for Governor, Senators.” The story was picked up by a number of statewide new sources including Finance & Commerce and WCCO. Schier commented on the personalities and styles of the current Minnesota governor and senators when compared to their predecessors.