Ellen Benavides ’80 featured in Star Tribune career article
5 April 2003An April 5 Star Tribune article titled “Career moves mean more than just changing jobs,” featured Ellen Benavides ’80. Benavides has been director of health policy for the Hennepin County Bureau of Health, apprenticed as a furniture maker in Nova Scotia and is now making video documentaries. “If I’m not learning something new, contributing something and having fun, then it’s time for me to move on,” said Benavides.Benevides majored in psychology at Carleton. The article also mentioned former visiting assistant professor of history, Rachel Seidman, now a writer/researcher.
Andrew Fink ’04 awarded LSA fellowship
4 April 2003Andrew Fink ’04 has been awarded a highly competitive Linguistic Society of America Fellowship to attend the 2003 Linguistic Institute at Michigan State University in summer 2003. At the Institute, Fink will participate in seminars led by some of the most prominent linguists in the field. Fink majored in physics at Carleton.
Aparna Ramaswamy 97 profiled in Saint Paul Pioneer Press
4 April 2003Aparna Ramaswamy ’97 was interviewed for an April 4 Saint Paul Pioneer Press entertainment section feature titled “Six Questions.” Ramaswamy is the associate artistic director of Ragamal Music and Dance Theater and will appear in the 2003 Minnesota Dance Festival. Ramaswamy majored in international relations with a concentration in political economy at Carleton.
Mark Knight ’06 featured in The Oregonian
4 April 2003An April 4 article in The Oregonian titled “State’s top science fair fires up students” featured Mark Knight ’06 and his high school science teacher, Jody House, and their experience getting to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, called the Olympics of science competitions. Knight developed a micropump that could push glucose. Knight is majoring in physics.
Nancy Wilkie (classics and anthropology) quoted in The Chronicle of Higher Education
4 April 2003Nancy Wilkie, the William H. Laird Professor of Classics, Anthropology, and the Liberal Arts, was quoted in an April 4 Chronicle of Higher Education in an article titled “Overseas Research Becomes Casualty of War.” Wilkie’s comments were about how insurance issues have become a major concern for institutions and researchers.
Robert Bonner (history) awarded Beinecke research fellowship
4 April 2003Robert E. Bonner, the Marjorie Crabb Garbisch Professor Emeritus of History and the Liberal Arts, has been awarded a Research Fellowship at the Beinecke Library at Yale University next fall term. Bonner will be in residence there the month of October 2003, finishing research on his book on Buffalo Bill Cody in Wyoming.
Stacy Beckwith (Hebrew) awarded Amado Foundation grant
4 April 2003Stacy N. Beckwith, assistant professor of Hebrew, has been awarded a Maurice Amado Foundation Research Fund in Sephardic Studies grant for her book project on Spanish and Israeli literature and national memory.
Steven Schier (political science) publishes two books
4 April 2003Steven Schier, the Dorothy H. and Edward C. Congdon Professor of Political Science, edited “The Postmodern Presidency: Bill Clinton’s Legacy in U.S. Politics” and has a new book out titled “You Call This an Election? America’s Peculiar Democracy.”
Asa Swain ’03 mentioned in The Boston Globe.
3 April 2003Asa Swain ’03 was mentioned in an April 3 Boston Globe article about the television series “People, Places & Plants” (PPP). Swain’s father, Roger Swain, hosts the show and his mother, Elisabeth, is a PPP producer. At the time of the article, Swain was on spring break and helping with location shooting. Swain was a computer science major with a concentration in environmental and technical studies.
Carleton Hires HGA to Design Campus Art Museum
3 April 2003The College has named Joan M. Soranno and John Cook of Hammel Green and Abrahamson, a Minneapolis-based, full service architecture, engineering and planning firm, to design a new art museum on campus.
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