Posts tagged with “Elsewhere” (All posts)

  • Thomas O’Sullivan (library) writes for Star Tribune

    15 December 2002

    Thomas O’Sullivan, curator of library art & exhibitions, wrote an article in the December 15 Star Tribune about the behind the scenes preparations for the new exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts titled “Eternal Egypt.”

  • Joel Weisberg (physics) quoted in CSM

    12 December 2002

    Joel Weisberg, professor of physics and astronomy, is quoted in the December 12 Christian Science Monitor articled titled “Scope’s face-lift pulls deep space from view,” on the improvements being made to the radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

  • Jenny Wahl (economics) quoted in Star Tribune

    10 December 2002

    Jenny Wahl, professor of economics, was quoted in the December 10 Star Tribune in an article about the new White House economic team. She comments that President Bush is setting his own economic course and that “he’s not looking for advice.”

  • Charles Cogan (admissions) write on Nigeria for CSM

    4 December 2002

    Charles Cogan, senior assistant dean of admissions and director of international recruitment, wrote an article in the December 4 issue of The Christian Science Monitor titled “Nigeria’s window of opportunity.” Cogan discussed the controversy of sharia, or Islamic law, which sentenced Amina Lawal, a Nigerian woman, to death by stoning for having a child out of wedlock.

  • President emeritus Stephen R. Lewis Jr. quoted in Star Tribune

    25 November 2002

    President emeritus Stephen R. Lewis Jr. was featured in a November 25 Star Tribune’s Commentary. Based on Lewis’s final annual report to the Carleton community, the piece, titled “Culture Counts,” quotes Lewis’s advice: “Work at sustaining the best that is within us.”

  • Study abroad programs still strong after 9/11/01

    18 November 2002

    In a November 18 story, The New York Times found that the number of students studying overseas has not declined since September 11, 2001. In fact, numbers are increasing according to two surveys discussed in the story. Carleton is one of several small colleges mentioned in the story for having more than 80 percent of the student body participate in study abroad programs.

  • Scientific American names Rush Holt ’72 Policy Leader of the Year.

    11 November 2002

    Scientific American named Rush Holt ’72 their “Policy Leader of the Year” in the November 11 issue. The magazine featured the “Scientific American 50,” their first annual celebration of visionaries from the worlds of research, industry and politics. Holt is a U.S. Representative for New Jersey and is one of two Ph.D. physicists in Congress. Holt majored in physics at Carleton.

  • Dacie Moses House highlighted in Star Tribune

    10 November 2002

    A story about Carleton’s Dacie Moses House appeared on the front page of the November 10 Star Tribune. Moses, a Carleton librarian, always opened her house to students who wanted to make cookies and hosted weekend brunches for 50 students. When she died at the age of 97 in 1983, she left her house to the College to be used for cookie baking and brunch and hanging out. Leah Geyer ’03 and Adrienne Hacker ’02 are caretakers of the house this year. “We like it,” said Geyer. “It gets a little crazy sometimes, but on the whole, it’s a lot of fun.” Geyer is majoring in Latin American studies and Hacker is a geology major.

  • Carleton Cheerboys Profiled in National Papers

    18 October 2002

    Stories about Carleton’s Cheerboys and Honking Knights pep band have appeared in the October 18 Star Tribune, October 24 Rochester (Minn.) Post-Bulletin, November 1 Chronicle of Higher Education, November 3 Chicago Tribune and on the November 9 National Public Radio’s “Only a Game.” Both groups work to keep the crowd on its feet at football and basketball games. “We’re out there because we love the team and want to support them,” said Justin Schoolmaster ’03 in the Chicago Tribune. “We’re not a school with 30,000 students and this huge cheering section. So we do what we can.” The groups were also profiled in the Carleton College Voice. Schoolmaster is a music major.

  • Eric Smith ’05 featured in Star Tribune

    27 September 2002

    Eric Smith ’05, who at 6 feet 8 1/4 inches tall and 340 pounds is arguably the biggest man playing football in the Minnesota Intercollegiate Athletic Conference, was featured in a September 27Star Tribune story. A high school Division I recruit, Smith chose Carleton early in his senior year. “Instead of being the Division I football hero, he chose to take advanced calculus at Carleton,” said his father, Steve Smith, “What are you going to do? Eric knows his own mind and where he’s going.” Smith is an English major.