Carleton buildings mentioned in Architecture Minnesota

Carleton was mentioned in two articles in the January/February issue of Architecture Minnesota. In the first, titled “The Sustainable Quest,” Richard Strong, director of facilities management and planning, commented on how sustainable architectural designs are incorporated into new buildings on Carleton’s campus. Bardwell Smith, the John W. Nason Professor Emeritus of Religion and Asian Studies, was quoted in the second article, “Downtown Commercial District,” which discussed the fate of Northfield’s small town character as the suburbs encroach on it.

1 February 2003 Posted In:

Carleton was mentioned in two articles in the January/February issue of Architecture Minnesota. In the first, titled “The Sustainable Quest,” Richard Strong, director of facilities management and planning, commented on how sustainable architectural designs are incorporated into new buildings on Carleton’s campus. Bardwell Smith, the John W. Nason Professor Emeritus of Religion and Asian Studies, was quoted in the second article, “Downtown Commercial District,” which discussed the fate of Northfield’s small town character as the suburbs encroach on it.