Preparing to Arrive at Carleton
Be sure to follow along with the action items for all new students. Stay tuned to your Carleton email (available mid-May) for updates and information. We know transfer students may have questions that are distinct from the first-year student experience, so please ask questions as they arise.
Special Events During New Student Week
During New Student Week, transfer students will meet their academic adviser, the Registrar, and a class dean. You will also meet individually with a staff member in the Registrar’s Office to review how your transfer credits fit into Carleton requirements.
Language and Math Placement
Carleton’s curriculum includes a series of graduation requirements for all students, including transfer students. As part of the Global Citizenship requirement, students pursue the study of a second language through the point of competence or proficiency. All incoming students, both first year and transfer, are welcome to take a placement exam to determine appropriate course placement.
Regardless of how many language courses you have taken elsewhere, you need to fulfill the language requirement at Carleton by passing a proficiency test. This takes a different form in different languages. All transfer students should take the online language placement test over the summer. If your score is high enough online to justify confirming proficiency, you will be required to take a confirmation test during New Student Week. If it has been some time since you last studied language, it makes sense to brush up over the summer so that when you arrive on campus you can demonstrate your actual abilities in a language.
Some of you may also need to take the Carleton Math placement test; for this follow the instructions on the math placement testing page.
All new Transfer students will register for Fall courses in Workday. We strongly encourage you to review the Pre-Registration 101 content for all of the details, both conceptual and technical, for how you’ll register for classes.
What Transfer Students Can Ignore
Transfer students are not required to take an Argument & Inquiry (A&I) seminar. You may receive an email prompting you to review the A&I options. These seminars are reserved for students who have never been to college, so please ignore them and do not sign up for an A & I Seminar.