Become part of your new community

As you interact with others, seek to find the common threads that exist. This will strengthen your ties to the community. A significant part of being involved at Carleton is the feeling of connection — with other students, faculty, staff, and the Northfield community. While Carleton’s outstanding reputation as a college has been built by its superior academic environment, the overall “Carleton student experience” is complemented by the amazing co-curricular pursuits students find for themselves outside of the classroom.
And whether it’s via student organizations, work-study positions, internships, volunteering in the Northfield community, or playing on an intramural or club sport team, there is much to be gained through balancing your academics with other pursuits. You can find traces of the familiar, and continue to appreciate an established hobby or you can immerse yourself in new and different activities!
Some students get involved with residence hall activities, with campus governance, or with social, political, or spiritual endeavors. Students can participate in one-time events or make on-going commitments. Resources are available through a number of departments and organizations for starting groups, finding assistance with projects, or getting connected to existing organizations that do what you would like to do.
Many types of leadership opportunities are available to students. Some of these opportunities are those that students apply for and are selected into, including serving as a New Student Week Leader, a Resident Assistant, Student Wellness Advocates, or a member of the Student Activities Office Programming Board (SAPB). The myriad of student organizations provide leadership opportunities as well. Don’t hesitate to dabble while finding your niche.
There’s Something for Everyone

Finding interesting opportunities and getting involved at Carleton is not what students find most challenging. The hardest part is deciding which ones to choose! Theater? Music? Cycling? Service? Stop by the Student Involvement Fair the first Friday of classes and meet student representatives from many of Carleton’s more than 220 student clubs and organizations and find out how you can get involved! You will find that the more involved you are at Carleton, the more you will get out of your time here.
If you aren’t sure just where to start, or if you don’t see what you’re looking for, be sure to stop by the Student Activities Office (SAO), or check in with the Carleton Student Association (CSA). Figure out if what you want is out there…and if not, learn how you can get things started.