All students who are registered for applied music study have available to them a limited number of student and staff accompanists. These accompanists may be used for lessons, performance area recitals, juries, and master classes. There are no fees for accompanists for these department-mandated activities.
Students planning solo or shared Junior and/or Senior recitals may use departmental or student accompanists, subject to their availability. The Department will cover the cost of Carleton staff accompanists for music major recitals. Student accompanists are eligible to be paid through Accompanying Work Study.
If a non-music major chooses to use a staff accompanist, the Department will cover the hourly rate of the accompanist, but the student will contribute the $100 extra performance premium that is paid to the staff pianists for all public performances. This $100 premium will be paid by the student directly to the accompanist; in the case of a shared recital, students may share this cost.
If any student chooses to work with a pianist who is not a Carleton staff or student pianist, the student will pay the full cost of the accompanist. Rehearsals for recitals will be scheduled in consultation with and at the discretion of the collaborative pianists and the area coordinator. Recitals need to be approved by the Department; normally the Department will support only one Junior and one Senior recital per major. Arrangements for providing accompanists must be made the term prior to the performance.