Lessons in Intaglio Outside link
22 January 2022Lessons in Intaglio is a student-curated cross campus exhibition on view in both the Weitz Center for Creativity and Gould Library. The 27 works on paper included highlight recent Carleton Art Collection acquisitions by printmakers from the Iowa Print School program and influential printmaker and educator Mauricio Lasansky. January 22–June 10, 2022.
Doreen Garner Outside link
6 January 2022The Perlman Teaching Museum presents an exhibition of sculptures produced over the last five years by New York-based artist Doreen Lynette Garner, January 6–April 17, 2022. Garner’s artwork draws on a troubled American tradition of medically sanctioned experimentation on Black women’s bodies, a history which connects to the unequal medical care African Americans receive to this day.
The Metaphysics of Notation Outside link
24 September 2021The Perlman Teaching Museum presents a solo exhibition encompassing examples from 30 years of radical music notation from composer Mark Applebaum ’89. On display September 24–November 19, 2022, the exhibition also includes his series of sound-sculptures, hand-built instruments designed for their bizarre sounds and arresting looks.
An exhibition of work by graduating senior studio art majors: Isabel Arevalo, Lydia Chau, Maris Daleo, Tyrell Floyd, Bia Furtado, Cedar Heffelfinger, Mash Ibtesum, Brennan Johnson, Mila Knezevic, Emma Korosei, Laura McCarron, Leah McClintock-Shapiro, Zach McCrary, Andie Nakahira, Sophie Rogers, Irene Stoutland, Martha Sudderth, Sean Topel, Caroline Tsui, Emily Wight, Gavin Young, Gabriela Zegarra, and Yifei Zhu
Alumni Showcase: An online exhibition Outside link
1 March 2021An online exhibition featuring artwork by former Carleton students who were mentored by retiring faculty Daniel Bruggeman, Fred Hagstrom, and Linda River Rossi.
Chronologia: Celebrating the careers of Art Department Faculty Daniel Bruggeman, Fred Hagstrom, and Linda River Rossi
Being Public / Public Beings
18 January 2021An exhibition curated by students in Carleton’s Art and Democracy seminar
An exhibition exploring how artists give aesthetic rise to ideas and cross-disciplinary collaboration through the medium of artists’ books.
in conclusion: Senior Art Show 2020
22 May 2020In a typical year, the Perlman Teaching Museum mounts a celebratory exhibition and reception highlighting work by Carleton’s graduating studio art majors. 2020 is not a typical year, however, and…
Selections from The Madeleine P. Plonsker Collection of Contemporary Cuban Photography • January 10–April 26, 2020