Jan 24
Student-led Touch Tour

Many of the artworks included in the Perlman Teaching Museum's current exhibition invite touch and sensory engagement. Join our student workers for a guided touch tour of Towards a Warm Embrace.
Within art museums, touch tours have traditionally been offered for visually impaired or low-vision visitors, however, these tours can foster a sense of collaboration which extends to sighted people as well. Touch is a significant way we encounter the world and an important element of artists creating their artwork. Those who work in museums have long observed that the average visitor spends mere seconds in front of an artwork and much of this time is spent reading wall texts and labels. Touch encourages us to spend more time with individual artworks. This form of engagement offers visitors the chance to slow down, get close to artworks, and consider what tactile and textural associations they receive through gliding fingertips, grasping, tapping, and pressing to reveal new aspects of the object’s materiality.
Exhibition Accessibility
The museum galleries and building are wheelchair accessible. This exhibition includes abundant seating and many of the artworks invite touch. If you have questions regarding museum accessibility or requests for accommodations please contact Farrah Pribyl at fpribyl@carleton.edu or (507) 222-5567. We encourage masking when visiting the museum; masks are available at the front desk.
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