Warrington Colescott: Tadzio
Warrington Colescott, Tadzio, from series Death in Venice (1970-71)
Color etching on paper

Richard Avedon: Jorge Luis Borges
Richard Avedon, Jorge Luis Borges (1975)
Gelatin silver print on paper
Gift of Raphael Bernstein, P ’86 Photographers & Authors Collection

Toyohara Chikanobu: Viewing the Waterfall
Toyohara Chikanobu, Viewing the Waterfall (1890–1900)
Color woodblock print on paper, 14 x 28 inches
Perlman Teaching Museum purchase

Katsuyuki Nishijima: Chrysanthemums
Katsuyuki Nishijima, Chrysanthemums (20th C)
Color woodblock print on paper, 11⅛ x 16 inches
Gift of Kiyoaki Murata, class of 1946

Bertha Lum: A Rainy Twilight
Bertha Lum, A Rainy Twilight (1905)
Color woodblock print on paper 6⅝ x 9½ inches
Perlman Teaching Museum purchase

Richard Mosse: Debris, North Kivu, Eastern Congo
Richard Mosse, Debris, North Kivu, Eastern Congo (2011)
Digital C-Print using Kodak Aerochrome film
15¼ x 19¼ inches (image) / 16 x 20 inches (paper)
Perlman Teaching Museum purchase

Elliott Erwitt: Church at Wounded Knee
Elliott Erwitt, Church at Wounded Knee (1969)
Gelatin silver print on paper, 12 ½ x 18 inches
Gift of Arthur D. Kowaloff, class of 1968

Beth Lo: Step One
Beth Lo, Step One (2012)
Porcelain, 13 x 19 x 11 inches
Perlman Teaching Museum purchase

George Biddle: My Neighbor, Al
George Biddle, My Neighbor, Al (1940)
Oil on canvas, 60 x 40 inches
Encyclopedia Britannica Collection, gift of William Benton, Class of 1921, Trustee 1948–1961

Helga Gamboa: Servitude II
Helga Gamboa, Servitude II (2008)
Earthenware, burnished; tin-glazed with decals, 9⅜ inches x 7¼ inches (diameter)
Gift of the artist

Toyohara Chikanobu: Cherry Blossom Battle
Toyohara Chikanobu, Cherry Blossom Battle, triptych (1880)
Color woodblock print, 14½ x 28½ inches
Museum purchase, 2004

Mike Lynch: Marquet Elevator
Mike Lynch, Marquet Elevator (not dated)
Ink, watercolor, gouache on gray paper, 64¼ x 94¼ inches
Gift of Mary Lamp, 1995

Anonymous: Dancing Figure
Anonymous, Dancing Figure, Tang dynasty (618–907)
Unglazed ceramic, partially molded, partially hand-formed with polychrome decoration, 11 x 4½ x 3 inches
Gift of Percy T. Watson, Class of 1903

Charles Biederman: Untitled
Charles Biederman, Untitled (1940)
Painted wood and steel relief, 52½ x 62 x 13 inches
Gift of Lydia Hedin ’33, 1999
Originally commissioned for waiting room of Interstate Medical Clinic, Red Wing, Minn.

Anthony Barboza: James Baldwin
Anthony Barboza, James Baldwin (1975)
Silver gelatin print, 20⅞ x 20⅜ inches
Gift of Raphael Bernstein P ’86, 1984

Anonymous: Head of a Woman
Anonymous, Head of a Woman (1880s)
Gouache on paper, 12¼ x 9¾ inch image field on larger folded sheet
Gift of Ian and Deane Barbour, 2003

Jacques Lipchitz: The Reader
Jacques Lipchitz, The Reader (1918)
Cast bronze, 16 x 5½ x 6 inches
Gift of the Class of 1955, purchased from the artist’s studio

Eliot Porter: Ferry, Chongqing, Sichuan
Eliot Porter, Ferry, Chongqing, Sichuan (1980)
Color photograph (laser dye transfer print), 9½ x 14¼ inches
China portfolio of seven photographs, DEP Editions, New York
Gift of Arthur D. Kowaloff ’68, 1985

Kohl Flask and Unguentaria
Kohl Flask and Unguentaria (first to third century)
Glass, 5½ x 1½ in., 7 x 3¾ in., 5 x 2 in.

Paul Cadmus: Shore Leave
Paul Cadmus, Shore Leave (1935)
Etching, 10 x 11 inches
Gift of Pomerat family through their friend, Carleton zoology professor Thurlo B. Thomas, 1968

Michelle Holzapfel: Chrysalis
Michelle Holzapfel P ’95, Chrysalis (1998)
Cherry burlwood carved bowl, 33 x 7½ x 7½ inches
Given by Ruth Harkison Waterbury and David M. Waterbury

Mauricio Lasansky: El Cardenal
Mauricio Lasansky, El Cardenal (1964)
Color intaglio print (engraving, etching, drypoint, soft-ground resist, aquatint, electric stippler), 31½ x 19½ inches
Artist’s proof, edition of 50. Purchased through Carleton Centennial Print Invitational with funds from General Service Foundation via John M. Musser, 1966.

Maurice de Vlaminck: Road Approaching the Village
Maurice de Vlaminck, Road Approaching the Village (not dated)
Watercolor on paper, 19¼ x 23⅝ inches
Gift of Elizabeth Wallace, 1964