Carleton is primarily a teaching institution. Thus, demonstrated excellence in teaching is the most important concern in the consideration of a candidate for tenure. At the same time, teaching effectiveness and the quality of a faculty member’s interaction with students and colleagues over the long term of a career depend on a commitment to and a capacity for scholarship and continuing intellectual growth. Accordingly, the following will be considered as evidence of such commitment to and promise of sustained intellectual growth: scholarly publications, creative work, presentations at professional meetings, and contributions to the discipline and to the College’s intellectual life. Other factors that enter into a decision on tenure include the faculty member’s contributions to his or her department, to the College outside the classroom, and to the academic community at large.
Procedures for the tenure review process are laid out in the Faculty Handbook. Faculty coming up on their tenure review may find a timeline for the process helpful. The timeline is laid out in the Department Chair Handbook.
Junior faculty preparing for the tenure review can turn to a number of different people who are situated outside of the formal review structures if they have questions or want additional support. Both the LTC Director and the assigned faculty mentor can be valuable resources. In addition, faculty personnel advisors (found on the campus governance list) are former members of the Faculty Personnel Committee, who are available to consult with any faculty member with questions about tenure reviews or other personnel matters.