All MMUF Fellows are eligible for repayment by the Mellon Foundation of $10,000 in guaranteed student loans upon receipt of the Ph.D., provided they enroll in graduate school in a Mellon-approved discipline no more than 39 months after graduation from Carleton. Upon completion of each of the first four years of graduate school, payments of $1250 can be made to their lenders, with the final $5,000 to be paid when they receive the Ph.D.

MMUF Fellows must notify Carleton’s MMUF program director in writing of their intention to enroll in graduate school.

At the end of each academic year, MMUF Fellows must submit a Mellon Loan Repayment Request Form and supporting documents to the MMUF Program Director at Carleton.

MMUF Fellows must provide written certification of enrollment to Carleton’s MMUF Program Director upon entering graduate school.

It is the responsibility of the MMUF Fellow to obtain deferment forms from lender(s), complete them properly, and submit them to their lender(s) in order to qualify for a loan payment deferment and Mellon loan repayment as described above.

At the end of each academic year of graduate study MMUF Fellows must ask their graduate program to submit a letter to the Carleton MMUF Program Director to certify that they have satisfactorily completed the year’s studies and that they are in good standing; an academic transcript is not sufficient.

MMUF Fellows must submit official documentation of the receipt of the Ph.D.

MMUF Fellows are responsible for any normal loan repayment during periods when they are not enrolled in graduate school.

MMUF Fellows cannot default on any student loans.

All Mellon Program loan repayments will be made directly to the lender of record.