A Miracle of St Martin of Tours (75.3KB PDF Document)1 October 2007A brief miracle story about divine punishment for usurers.
Aeneas Piccolomini to Cardinal Capranica on Fall of Constantinople (5.1KB PDF Document)29 January 2005Aeneas Piccolomini to Cardinal Capranica (July 1453): Letter on the Fall of Constantinople describing reaction and misinformation surrounding the event at the court of the Emperor Frederick III.
Agobard of Lyon, Charter Concerning the Penance of Emperor Louis (84.5KB PDF Document)27 August 2008833: Abp. Agobard describes the assembly at Compiègne and the ensuing public penance of Louis the Pious.
Agobard of Lyon, On Being Wary of Eating and Associating with Jews (96.2KB PDF Document)27 August 2008Ca. 826/827: Abp. Agobard to Nibridius, Bp. of Narbonne, warning of the dangers of associating with Jews in an attempt to enlist the support of the regional episcopacy in his cause.
Agobard of Lyon, On Injustices to Matfred (88.1KB PDF Document)27 August 2008Abp. Agobard admonishes Matfred to observe justice in the performance of his role as the emperor’s administrator.
Agobard of Lyon, On the Baptism of Slaves Belonging to Jews (87.7KB PDF Document)27 August 2008Ca. 823: Abp. Agobard seeks the help of three imperial courtiers in protecting prelates’ ability to baptize pagans who were the property of Jews and their intervention in cases where the Jews refuse to sell the individual or charge an excessive price for their freedom.
Agobard of Lyon, On the Division of the Empire (110.4KB PDF Document)27 August 2008Ca. 829: Abp. Agobard admonishes Louis the Pious for altering the provisions of the Ordinatio imperii of 817.
Agobard of Lyon, On the Insolence of the Jews (100.3KB PDF Document)27 August 2008826/827: Abp. Agobard writes to Louis the Pious in protest of policies favorable to the Jewish community and the harm they do to the Christian faithful.
Amalarius of Metz, Prologue to his Antiphonary (141.8KB PDF Document)28 August 2008Amalarius describes the origin and method of composition of his antiphonary.
Anonymous Attack on Isidore of Kiev and the Latins (69.9KB PDF Document)17 July 2010Dated 1461-1462, this account attacks Cardinal Isidore of Kiev, formerly an orthodox bishop, who visited Russia in 1440 and 1443 as apostolic legate to persuade the Russian church to enter into union with Rome.
Anonymous Sermon on the Pantheon (79.1KB PDF Document)29 August 2008Sermon describing the conversion of the Roman Pantheon into a Christian Church by Pope Boniface IV (608-15).
Bartolomeo de Giano On the Cruelty of the Turks (49.5KB PDF Document)28 October 2004A letter from a Franciscan living in Constantinople in 1438 conveying his impressions of growing Turkish power and a call for aid from the West.
Brief Annals of Venice (20.8KB PDF Document)17 July 2010Found in a 13th century codex, these annals focus primarily on events in the Adriatic in the 12th century as well as the affairs of the city of Venice itself.
Bruno of Querfurt, Letter to Henry II (128.3KB PDF Document)29 August 20081008/1009: Bruno writes of German missionary and diplomatic among Slavic pagans.
Cadwalla, Letter to Hildegard, Duchess of Anjou (71.6KB PDF Document)8 September 20081038: Abbot Cadwalla asks the Duchess to grant assistance and safe, toll-free passage to a monk selling wine from the monastery’s vineyards in order to raise money for renovations.
Fulk of Deuil, Letter XVI: On Abelard’s Misfortunes (115.1KB PDF Document)28 August 2008Fulk writes to Peter Abelard, reacting to news of Abelard’s castration.
Indiculus Loricatorum (58.9KB PDF Document)2 September 2008981: Otto II summons armored knights from episcopal, abbatial, and lay contingents.
Letter of Sheik Aq Šems ed-Dîn to Mehmet II (91.1KB PDF Document)2 September 2008The sheik discusses the defeat of the Turkish fleet by the defenders of Constantinople in April 1452 and recommends responses.
Letter of a Member of the Household of Archbishop Isidore of Kiev to Cardinal Dominico Capranica (74.7KB PDF Document)2 September 2008Letter describing Archbishop Isidore’s capture by the Turks during the fall of Constantinople and his journey to Italy.
Letter of the Knights of St. John on the Fall of Constantinople (72.9KB PDF Document)2 September 2008The Knights of St. John on Rhodes write of the city’s fall and Turkish plans to the Margrave of Brandenburg in Jerusalem.
Letter on the Death of the Emperor Frederick I (113.6KB PDF Document)28 August 2008A member of Frederick’s expedition describes the journey and battles of the German crusader force and the death of the Emperor in Asia Minor.
Manuscript Annotation on the Fall of Constantinople (6.5KB PDF Document)29 January 2005An annotation added to a Greek manuscript (now British Museum Add. 34060 f.1v) recording a contemporary reaction on the island of Crete to the news that Constantinople had fallen.
Otloh of St Emmeram, The Story of a Miracle that Recently Befell a Certain Layman (90.5KB PDF Document)3 September 2008Otloh describes an earlier 11th century instance of a judicial ordeal undergone by a layman accused of stealing a horse, the revelation of a different sin, and the subsequent wrath of God against the layman when he attempts to circumvent the letter of his penitential vow to God.
Otto I, Edict of Pavia on Single Combat (68.5KB PDF Document)29 August 2008971: Otto I provides for resolution of disputes over property by judicial combat.
Otto III, Capitulary on Doing Justice (86.5KB PDF Document)29 August 2008Emperor Otto III legislates expanded access to judges and judgment.
Peter Duisburg, Chronicle of Prussia (225.6KB PDF Document)A 14th century chronicle by a priest-brother of the Teutonic Knights focusing on the military, political, and religious developments in the lands around the Baltic
Pope Eugenius III, Letter XLVIII (109.2KB PDF Document)28 August 2008Eugenius III “admonishes, asks, and commands” King Louis VII to crusade (Dec. 1145).
Pope Nicholas I, Responses to the Questions of the Bulgars (329.9KB PDF Document)3 September 2008866: Pope Nicholas I responds at length to the Bulgars’ questions and concerns about the practical implications of christianization and specific aspects of their new faith.
Radbod of Utrecht, A Brief Chronicle (61.5KB PDF Document)8 September 2008A brief entry for the year 900 covering portentous astronomical phenomenon and ensuing environmental calamities, rebellions of men against God, deaths of rulers, and Radbod’s new position.
Raoul Ardens Preface to Sermon Collection (106.3KB PDF Document)A brief text by the author explaining the circumstances behind his compiling his popular sermons in written form.
Report of the Conventus of 1082 (70.8KB PDF Document)8 September 2008A brief account of a decision by ecclesiastics of the Gregorian party that the property of churches could be pawned to support an armed resistance to Wibert of Ravenna.
Rosweyde, Héribert, S.J. A Reminder for Reverend Father Louis Thuart (ca. 1615) (97.0KB PDF Document)Trans. W.L. North of Maurice Coens, “Héribert Rosweyde et la recherche des documents,” Analecta Bollandiana 83 (1965), 50-52.
The Deeds of the Sacrists of the Monastery of Bury St Edmunds (124.1KB PDF Document)3 September 2008Describes the holders of the office of sacrist at the monastery and their accomplishments from the mid-eleventh to the turn of the fourteenth century.
The Penance of Arduin, or the Roman Synod of 999 (69.5KB PDF Document)8 September 2008Describes the penance imposed on Arduin for leading the murderers of Bishop Peter of Vercelli.
The Trial of Kingship and Priesthood (81.9KB PDF Document)3 September 2008This anonymous text, produced as part of a propaganda war against the Gregorian papacy, describes an alleged ordeal concerning the kingship and priesthood said to have been conducted by ecclesiastics of the Gregorian party on December 3, 1083.
Thomas the Eparch and Joshua Diplovatatzes, Account of the Taking of Constantinople (100.3KB PDF Document)3 September 2008Detailed account of the actual taking of the city from a Byzantine perspective.
Ulrich of Reims and Clergy, Diocesan Letter on the Matter of Church Thefts (71.8KB PDF Document)8 September 2008Describes the theft of liturgical equipment and personal items from the Basilica of Blessed Mary and pronounces an anathema and excommunication for the thieves.