Oct 21
Miguel de Cervantes' Don Quijote: A Marathon Reading of Part I

First published in 1605, Miguel Cervantes' El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha is often considered to be the first "modern" novel. It brought together many popular genres of the time--the picaresque novel, the chivalry novel, the sentimental novel, the Byzantine novel, the Italian novella--to tell the story of Don Quijote and his "squire" Sancho Panza and their incredible adventures and mishaps in pursuit of noble, chivalric goals. In this Marathon reading--a literary quest of a kind--we will seek to read the first installment--Part I--of the story and share in the pleasures of oral story telling, good food, and good company. Texts in English and Spanish will be available at the event and other translations--it is one of the most translated novels in history--will be welcome. All readers will have their participation commemorated by signing a copy of the novel to be deposited in the Carleton Archives. Students, Staff, Faculty, and Alumni are cordially invited to participate. You can sign up online here.
Refreshments will be available throughout the event. Bring friends, share a reading slot.
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