May 11

Mathematics and Statistics Group and Independent Comps Presentations

Thu, May 11, 2023 • 4:00pm - 7:00pm (3h) • Olin 141

Join us to help support the seniors presenting comps.

Title: A New Model for Random Square-tiled Surfaces, 4-5 pm
Nick Fitzhugh, Aaron Schondorf, Sebastian Vander Ploeg Fallon, Thomas Zeng

Title: Exploring Perturbation Methods: Guessing the Cool Way, 5-6 pm
Viktor Chekhovoi, Daniel Chung, Christian Peerzada, and Songyan Zhao

Title: Classification Models for Statistical Graphics, 6-7 pm
Elijah Jones, Teagan Johnson, Ton Meesena, Sam Rosenberg






Event Contact: Sue Jandro

Event Summary

Mathematics and Statistics Group and Independent Comps Presentations
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff, Families
  • Categories: Comps

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