May 7
Mathematics and Statistics Group Comps Presentations
Tue, May 7, 2024
• 2:30pm
- 5:30pm (3h) • Olin 141
Join us to help support the seniors presenting comps.
Title: Chebyshev Polynomials: A Many-Angled Approach, 2:30-3:30 pm
Teddy Barfield, John Byun, Annemily Hoganson, Aydn Math
Title: Fractals: The Attractors of Iterated Function Systems, 3:30-4:30 pm
Ed Dowling, Liam Etelson, Xingyi Zhang
Title: Beyond the Average: Exploring the relationship between income inequality and the mortality distribution of US counties using quantile regression, 4:30-5:30 pm
Noorah Aldaghlas, Natalie Bax, Jasmine Choi, Elena Ea, and Augustus Williams
Event Contact: Sue Jandro
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