The requirements for the Statistics Major are 74 credits:
- A. Supporting Courses (30 credits) Take either MATH 101 or MATH 111, either MATH 210 or MATH 211 and either MATH 134 or MATH 232 and all of remaining courses listed:
- CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science
- MATH 101: Calculus with Problem Solving
- MATH 111: Introduction to Calculus
- MATH 120: Calculus 2
- MATH 134: Linear Algebra with Applications
- MATH 210: Calculus 3
- MATH 211: Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
- MATH 232: Linear Algebra
- B. Required Core (18 credits): All of the following, of which at least two must be taken at Carleton
- MATH 240: Probability
- STAT 230: Applied Regression Analysis
- STAT 250: Introduction to Statistical Inference
- C. Electives (18 credits): Three electives, of which at least two must be Carleton courses with a Statistics designation. One of the three electives must be a 300-level course with a Statistics designation.
- CS 314: Data Visualization
- CS 320: Machine Learning
- CS 362: Computational Biology · not offered in 2024-25
- MATH 271: Optimization
- MATH 295: Math Topics · not offered in 2024-25
- STAT 220: Introduction to Data Science
- STAT 260: Introduction to Sampling Techniques · not offered in 2024-25
- STAT 270: Statistical Learning
- STAT 310: Spatial Statistics · not offered in 2024-25
- STAT 320: Time Series Analysis
- STAT 330: Advanced Statistical Modeling
- STAT 340: Bayesian Statistics · not offered in 2024-25
- D. Statistical Practice (2 credits):
- STAT 285 Statistical Consulting
In addition, each senior major must complete an integrative exercise. This is a two-term group project. There is no independent comps in the statistics major. Each senior will first enroll in STAT 399: Senior Seminar (6 credits); the following term they will complete their comps in STAT 400: Integrative Exercise (3 credits).
Majors must accumulate eight talk credits during their junior and senior year by attending department colloquia and the comps talks of their fellow mathematics or statistics majors. Students who major in both Mathematics and Statistics must accumulate a total of thirteen talk credits. We encourage majors to participate in the numerous activities that take place in the department.
We recommend statistics majors also take courses in a discipline in which statistics can be applied. Students interested in data science should consider taking additional computer science courses.
Students considering graduate school in statistics or biostatistics are strongly encouraged to take Mathematics 236 (Mathematical Structures) and Mathematics 321 (Real Analysis). Consult a statistics faculty member for more information specific to your choice of program.