F1 Visa Holders who participate in an off-campus internship must take a course related to the internship to satisfy the curricular credit requirement. Mathematics or statistics majors should follow the steps outlined on our CPT student resources page prior to the start of your off-campus internship.
For information about placement into Calculus or Statistics, please visit the Math/Stats Placement page.
Math | Stats
- 2024–2025 Courses:
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MATH 100: Exploring Climate through Data and Models
Climate change is a complex process that spans multiple scales of time and space, from local extreme weather events lasting a few days to global glacial cycles that unfold over one hundred thousand years. Given this complexity, how do we quantify, understand, and predict Earth’s changing climate? Students in this course will build skills in analyzing datasets and mathematical models as we explore this question. Activities will include calculation-based problems that use algebra and spreadsheets, readings with discussion, and training in writing for both technical and broad audiences.
Prerequisites:Student is a member of the First Year First Term class level cohort and is enrolled in the FOCUS Colloquium. Students are only allowed to register for one A&I course at a time. If a student wants to change this A&I course they must contact the Registrar's Office.
6 credits; AI/WR1, Argument & Inquiry/WR1, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024 · Kate Meyer -
MATH 101: Calculus with Problem Solving
An introduction to the central ideas of calculus with review and practice of those skills needed for the continued study of calculus. Problem solving strategies will be emphasized. In addition to regular MWF class time, students will be expected to attend two problem-solving sessions each week, one on Monday or Tuesday, and one on Wednesday or Thursday. Details will be provided on the first day of class. Prerequisites:Student has received a score of 101 on the Carleton Math Placement exam. Not open to students who have received credit for Mathematics 111. For more information, see the Mathematics' web page.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Deanna Haunsperger -
MATH 106: Tour of Mathematics and Statistics
The tour consists of a series of eight presentations given by a variety of Mathematics and Statistics department faculty. The course is intended for first- or second-year students considering a Mathematics or Statistics major or minor. The emphasis of these talks will be on presenting engaging ideas and research in various areas of mathematics and statistics, rather than on developing extensive knowledge or techniques in any particular subject area.
1 credit; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Winter 2025 · Deanna Haunsperger -
MATH 111: Introduction to Calculus
An introduction to the differential and integral calculus. Derivatives, antiderivatives, the definite integral, applications, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. Prerequisites:Student has received a score of 111 on the Carleton Math Placement exam. Not open to students who have received credit for Mathematics 101 or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus AB AP exam or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or received a score of 5 or better on the Calculus IB exam. For more information, see the Mathematics' web page.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Corey Brooke, Rebecca Terry, Joseph Johnson, Rob Thompson -
MATH 120: Calculus 2
Inverse functions, integration by parts, improper integrals, modeling with differential equations, vectors, calculus of functions of two independent variables including directional derivatives and double integrals, Lagrange multipliers. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 101 – Calculus with Problem Solving or MATH 111 – Introduction to Calculus with a grade of C- or better or received a scored of 4 or better on AP Calculus AB test or received a scored of 5 or better on Calculus IB test or placement exam. Not open to students who received a scored of 4 or better on the AP Calculus BC test or completed MATH 211 with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Rafe Jones, Corey Brooke, Rebecca Terry, Mike Adams -
MATH 134: Linear Algebra with Applications
Linear algebra centers on the geometry, algebra, and applications of linear equations. It is pivotal to many areas of mathematics, natural sciences, computer science, and engineering. To study linear equations, we will develop concepts including matrix algebra, linear independence, determinants, eigenvectors, and orthogonality. Students will use these tools to model real world problems and solve these problems using computational software.
Prerequisites:Not open to students who have taken MATH 232 – Linear Algebra or equivalents.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · Josh Davis, Rob Thompson -
MATH 210: Calculus 3
Vectors, curves, calculus of functions of three independent variables, including directional derivatives and triple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, line integrals, Green's theorem, sequences and series, power series, Taylor series. This course cannot be substituted for MATH 211.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 120 – Calculus 2 with a grade of C- or better. Students who have received a score of 4 or greater on the AP Calculus BC exam should register for MATH 211 – Multivariable Calculus.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Corey Brooke, Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh -
MATH 211: Introduction to Multivariable Calculus
Vectors, curves, partial derivatives, gradient, multiple and iterated integrals, line integrals, Green’s theorem. Prerequisites:Student has received a score of 4 or better on the AP Calculus BC exam or received a score of 211 on the Carleton Math Placement exam.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh, Sunrose Shrestha, Kate Meyer -
MATH 232: Linear Algebra
Linear algebra centers on the study of highly structured functions called linear transformations. Given the abundance of nonlinear functions in mathematics, it may come as a surprise that restricting to linear ones opens the door to a rich and powerful theory that finds applications throughout mathematics, statistics, computer science, and the natural and social sciences. Linear transformations are everywhere, once we know what to look for. They appear in calculus as the functions that are used to define lines and planes in Euclidean space. In fact, differentiation is also a linear transformation that takes one function to another. The course focuses on developing geometric intuition as well as computational matrix methods. Topics include kernel and image of a linear transformation, vector spaces, determinants, eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 120 – Calculus 2 or MATH 211 – Introduction to Multivariable Calculus with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Rebecca Terry, Rafe Jones, MurphyKate Montee, Mike Adams, Corey Brooke -
MATH 236: Mathematical Structures
Basic concepts and techniques used throughout mathematics. Topics include logic, mathematical induction and other methods of proof, problem solving, sets, cardinality, equivalence relations, functions and relations, and the axiom of choice. Other topics may include: algebraic structures, graph theory, and basic combinatorics. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 134 – Linear Algebra with Applications or MATH 232– Linear Algebra AND MATH 210 – Calculus 3 or MATH 211 – Multivariable Calculus with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Sunrose Shrestha, Deanna Haunsperger, MurphyKate Montee -
MATH 240: Probability
Introduction to probability and its applications. Topics include discrete probability, random variables, independence, joint and conditional distributions, expectation, limit laws and properties of common probability distributions. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 120 – Calculus 2 or MATH 211 – Introduction to Multivariable Calculus or greater with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Calculus BC AP exam or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Andy Poppick, Katie St. Clair, Adam Loy, Rob Thompson -
MATH 241: Ordinary Differential Equations
Ordinary differential equations are a fundamental language used by mathematicians, scientists, and engineers to describe processes involving continuous change. In this course we develop ordinary differential equations as models of real world phenomena and explore the mathematical ideas that arise within these models. Topics include separation of variables; phase portraits; equilibria and their stability; non-dimensionalization; bifurcation analysis; and modeling of physical, biological, chemical, and social processes.
Prerequisites:Student must have completed any of the following course(s): MATH 134 – Linear Algebra with Applications or MATH 232 – Linear Algebra AND MATH 120 – Calculus 2 or MATH 211 – Multivariable Calculus with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Kate Meyer, Joseph Johnson, Rebecca Terry -
MATH 244: Geometries
Euclidean geometry from an advanced perspective; projective, hyperbolic, inversive, and/or other geometries. Recommended for prospective secondary school teachers. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 251: Chaotic Dynamics
Dynamics is the branch of mathematics that deals with the study of change. In this course we will focus on simple discrete non-linear dynamical systems that produce astoundingly rich and unpredictable behavior — something that is colloquially referred to as "chaos". Topics will include one dimensional dynamics (including fixed points and their classifications), Sharkovsky's Theorem, a careful formulation/definition of "chaos", symbolic dynamics, complex dynamics (including Julia and Mandelbrot sets), iterated function systems, fractals and more.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Winter 2025 · Sunrose Shrestha -
MATH 271: Optimization
Optimization is all about selecting the "best" thing. Finding the most likely strategy to win a game, the route that gets you there the fastest, or the curve that most closely fits given data are all examples of optimization problems. In this course we study linear optimization (also known as linear programming), the simplex method, and duality from both a theoretical and a computational perspective. Applications will be selected from statistics, economics, computer science, and more. Additional topics in nonlinear and convex optimization will be covered as time permits.
Prerequisites:Student must have completed any of the following course(s): MATH 134 – Linear Algebra with Applications or MATH 232 – Linear Algebra AND MATH 120 – Calculus 2 or MATH 211 – Multivariable Calculus with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Spring 2025 · Rob Thompson -
MATH 282: Number Theory
A first course in number theory, covering properties of the integers. Topics include the Euclidean algorithm, prime factorization, Diophantine equations, congruences, divisibility, Euler’s phi function and other multiplicative functions, primitive roots, and quadratic reciprocity. Along the way we will encounter and explore several famous unsolved problems in number theory. If time permits, we may discuss further topics, including integers as sums of squares, continued fractions, distribution of primes, Mersenne primes, the RSA cryptosystem.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 294: Directed Research in Mathematics
Students work on a research project related to a faculty member's research interests, and directed by that faculty member. Student activities vary according to the field and stage of the project. The long-run goal of these projects normally includes dissemination to a scholarly community beyond Carleton. The faculty member will meet regularly with the student and actively direct the work of the student, who will submit an end-of-term product, typically a paper or presentation.
1 – 6 credit; No Exploration; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 295: Numerical Differential Equations
An introduction to numerical methods to compute approximate solutions of differential equations. Material will be selected from a range of topics such as error analysis, numerical differentiation, Euler and Runge-Kutta methods, predictor-corrector methods, boundary value problems, and curve fitting. Applications to other subjects such as physics, chemistry, ecology, epidemiology and neuroscience will be covered. Programming experience is not required.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 134 – Linear Algebra with Applications or MATH 232 – Linear Algebra with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024 · Joseph Johnson -
MATH 321: Real Analysis I
A systematic study of single-variable functions on the real numbers. This course develops the mathematical concepts and tools needed to understand why calculus really works: the topology of the real numbers, limits, differentiation, integration, convergence of sequences, and series of functions.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures AND MATH 210 – Calculus 3 or MATH 211 – Multivariable Calculus with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Winter 2025 · Kate Meyer -
MATH 331: Real Analysis II
Further topics in analysis such as measure theory, Lebesgue integration or Banach and Hilbert spaces. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 321 – Real Analysis I with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Spring 2025 · Sunrose Shrestha -
MATH 332: Advanced Linear Algebra
Selected topics beyond the material of Mathematics 232. Topics may include the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, the spectral theorem, factorizations, canonical forms, determinant functions, estimation of eigenvalues, inner product spaces, dual vector spaces, unitary and Hermitian matrices, operators, infinite-dimensional spaces, and various applications. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 333: Combinatorial Theory
The study of structures involving finite sets. Counting techniques, including generating functions, recurrence relations, and the inclusion-exclusion principle; existence criteria, including Ramsey’s theorem and the pigeonhole principle. Some combinatorial identities and bijective proofs. Other topics may include graph and/or network theory, Hall’s (“marriage”) theorem, partitions, and hypergeometric series. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Winter 2025 · Mike Adams -
MATH 341: Partial Differential Equations
An introduction to partial differential equations with emphasis on the heat equation, wave equation, and Laplace’s equation. Topics include the method of characteristics, separation of variables, Fourier series, Fourier transforms and existence/uniqueness of solutions. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 241 – Ordinary Differential Equations with grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Spring 2025 · Joseph Johnson -
MATH 342: Abstract Algebra I
Introduction to algebraic structures, including groups, rings, and fields. Homomorphisms and quotient structures, polynomials, unique factorization. Other topics may include applications such as Burnside’s counting theorem, symmetry groups, polynomial equations, or geometric constructions. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Spring 2025 · MurphyKate Montee, Rafe Jones -
MATH 344: Differential Geometry
Differential geometry is the study of shapes (like curves and surfaces) using tools from linear algebra and calculus. In this course we focus on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces and the concepts of curvature, geodesics, and first and second fundamental forms. These concepts will lead us to remarkable results like the Theorem Egregium and the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem, which relate the ways that curvature and shape interact.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Fall 2024 · Rob Thompson -
MATH 352: Galois Theory
In the nineteenth century, Évariste Galois discovered a deep connection between field theory and group theory. Now known as Galois theory, this led to the resolution of several centuries-old problems, including whether there is a version of the quadratic formula for higher-degree polynomials, and whether the circle can be squared. Today Galois theory is a fundamental concept for many mathematical fields, from topology to algebra to number theory. This course develops the theory in a modern framework, and explores several applications. Topics include field extensions, classical constructions, splitting fields, the Galois correspondence, Galois groups of polynomials, and solvability by radicals. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 342 – Abstract Algebra I with grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 354: Topology
An introduction to the study of topological spaces. We develop concepts from point-set and algebraic topology in order to distinguish between different topological spaces up to homeomorphism. Topics include methods of construction of topological spaces; continuity, connectedness, compactness, Hausdorff condition; fundamental group, homotopy of maps. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 361: Complex Analysis
The theoretical foundations for the calculus of functions of a complex variable. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 321 – Real Analysis I with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
MATH 394: Directed Research in Mathematics
Students work on a research project related to a faculty member's research interests, and directed by that faculty member. Student activities vary according to the field and stage of the project. The long-run goal of these projects normally includes dissemination to a scholarly community beyond Carleton. The faculty member will meet regularly with the student and actively direct the work of the student, who will submit an end-of-term product, typically a paper or presentation.
1 – 6 credit; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Winter 2025 · MurphyKate Montee -
MATH 395: Introduction to Analytic Number Theory
An introduction to the techniques and principles of analytic number theory. Topics covered include arithmetical functions, Dirichlet multiplication, averages of arithmetical functions, elementary theorems on the distribution of the primes, and Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions.
Prerequisites:Student has completed the following course(s): MATH 321 – Real Analysis I and MATH 342 – Abstract Algebra I with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning; offered Winter 2025 · Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh -
MATH 399: Senior Seminar
As part of their senior capstone experience, majors will work together in teams to develop advanced knowledge in a faculty-specified area or application of mathematics, and to design and implement the first stage of a project completed the following term.
Prerequisites:Student is a Mathematics major and has Senior Priority.
6 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · MurphyKate Montee, Rafe Jones -
MATH 400: Integrative Exercise
Either a supervised small-group research project or an individual, independent reading. Required of all senior majors. Prerequisites:Student is in the MATH program of study and has Senior Priority and has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures or equivalent AND three courses from any Math course higher than MATH 236, CS 252 or equivalent, CS 254, CS 352, STAT 250, STAT 320 or STAT 340 with a grade of C- or better.
3 – 6 credits; S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Deanna Haunsperger, Katie St. Clair, Rafe Jones, MurphyKate Montee, Kate Meyer, Joseph Johnson
Math | Stats
- 2024–2025 Courses:
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STAT 120: Introduction to Statistics
Introduction to statistics and data analysis. Practical aspects of statistics will be emphasized, including extensive use of programming in the statistical software R, interpretation and communication of results. Topics include: exploratory data analysis, correlation and linear regression, design of experiments, the normal distribution, randomization approach to inference, sampling distributions, estimation, and hypothesis testing. Students who have taken Mathematics 211 are encouraged to consider the more advanced Mathematics 240/Statistics 250 Probability/Statistical Inference sequence.
Prerequisites:Not open to students that have taken PSYC 200 – Measurement and Data Analysis in Psychology, PSYC 201 – Measurement and Data Analysis Lab , SOAN 239 – Social Statistics or STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Amanda Luby, Katie St. Clair, Andy Poppick, Rebecca Terry, Spencer Wadsworth, Claire Kelling -
STAT 220: Introduction to Data Science
This course will cover the computational side of data analysis, including data acquisition, management, and visualization tools. Topics may include: data scraping, data wrangling, data visualization using packages such as ggplots, interactive graphics using tools such as Shiny, an introduction to classification methods, and understanding and visualizing spatial data. We will use the statistics software R in this course.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 120 – Introduction to Statistics or STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis, or STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Claire Kelling, Amanda Luby -
STAT 230: Applied Regression Analysis
A second course in statistics covering simple linear regression, multiple regression and ANOVA, and logistic regression. Exploratory graphical methods, model building and model checking techniques will be emphasized with extensive use of statistical software R to analyze real-life data.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 120 – Introduction to Statistics or STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference or PSYC 200 – Measurement & Data Analysis or SOAN 239 – Social Statistics with a grade of C- or better or received a score of 4 or better on the Statistics AP exam.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Claire Kelling, Andy Poppick -
STAT 250: Introduction to Statistical Inference
Introduction to modern mathematical statistics. The mathematics underlying fundamental statistical concepts will be covered as well as applications of these ideas to real-life data. Topics include: resampling methods (permutation tests, bootstrap intervals), classical methods (parametric hypothesis tests and confidence intervals), parameter estimation, goodness-of-fit tests, regression, and Bayesian methods. The statistical package R will be used to analyze data sets. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 240 – Probability with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Amanda Luby, Adam Loy -
STAT 260: Introduction to Sampling Techniques
Covers sampling design issues beyond the basic simple random sample: stratification, clustering, domains, and complex designs like two-phase and multistage designs. Inference and estimation techniques for most of these designs will be covered and the idea of sampling weights for a survey will be introduced. We may also cover topics like graphing complex survey data and exploring relationships in complex survey data using regression and chi-square tests. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 120 – Introduction to Statistics or STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis, or STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
STAT 270: Statistical Learning
Statistical learning (sometimes called statistical machine learning) centers on the discovery of structural patterns and making predictions using complex data sets. This course explores supervised and unsupervised statistical learning methods, and the ethical considerations of their use. Topics may include nonparametric regression, classification, cross validation, linear model selection techniques and regularization, and clustering. Students will implement these concepts using open-source computational tools, such as the R language.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 230 Applied Regression Analysis with a grade of C- or better and has NOT taken CS 320 – Machine Learning
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024 · Adam Loy -
STAT 285: Statistical Consulting
Students will apply their statistical knowledge by analyzing data problems solicited from the Northfield community. Students will also learn basic consulting skills, including communication and ethics. Prerequisites:Student has completed the following course(s): STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis with a grade of C- or better.
2 credits; S/CR/NC; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Katie St. Clair -
STAT 294: Directed Research in Statistics
Students work on a research project related to a faculty member's research interests, and directed by that faculty member. Student activities vary according to the field and stage of the project. The long-run goal of these projects normally includes dissemination to a scholarly community beyond Carleton. The faculty member will meet regularly with the student and actively direct the work of the student, who will submit an end-of-term product, typically a paper or presentation.
1 – 6 credit; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024 · Adam Loy, Claire Kelling -
STAT 310: Spatial Statistics
Spatial data is becoming increasingly available in a wide range of disciplines, including social sciences such as political science and criminology, as well as natural sciences such as geosciences and ecology. This course will introduce methods for exploring and analyzing spatial data. Methods will be covered to describe and analyze three main types of spatial data: areal, point process, and point-referenced (geostatistical) data. The course will also extensively cover tools for working with spatial data in R. The goals are that by the end of the course, students will be able to read, explore, plot, and describe spatial data in R, determine appropriate methods for analyzing a given spatial dataset, and work with their own spatial dataset(s) in R and derive conclusions about an application through statistical inference. Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis and STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
STAT 320: Time Series Analysis
Models and methods for characterizing dependence in data that are ordered in time. Emphasis on univariate, quantitative data observed over evenly spaced intervals. Topics include perspectives from both the time domain (e.g., autoregressive and moving average models, and their extensions) and the frequency domain (e.g., periodogram smoothing and parametric models for the spectral density). Exposure to matrix algebra may be helpful but is not required.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis and STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Spring 2025 · Andy Poppick -
STAT 330: Advanced Statistical Modeling
Topics include linear mixed effects models for repeated measures, longitudinal or hierarchical data and generalized linear models (of which logistic and Poisson regression are special cases) including zero-inflated Poisson models. Depending on time, additional topics could include survival analysis or generalized additive models.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis and STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better and has completed or is in the process of completing MATH 134 – Linear Algebra with Practical Applications or MATH 232 – Linear Algebra with a grade of C- or better or equivalents.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; offered Winter 2025 · Katie St. Clair -
STAT 340: Bayesian Statistics
An introduction to statistical inference and modeling in the Bayesian paradigm. Topics include Bayes’ Theorem, common prior and posterior distributions, hierarchical models, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods (e.g., the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and Gibbs sampler) and model adequacy and posterior predictive checks. The course uses R extensively for simulations.
Prerequisites:Student has completed any of the following course(s): STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better.
6 credits; FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning, QRE, Quantitative Reasoning; not offered 2024–2025 -
STAT 394: Directed Research in Statistics
Students work on a research project related to a faculty member's research interests, and directed by that faculty member. Student activities vary according to the field and stage of the project. The long-run goal of these projects normally includes dissemination to a scholarly community beyond Carleton. The faculty member will meet regularly with the student and actively direct the work of the student, who will submit an end-of-term product, typically a paper or presentation.
1 – 6 credit; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Claire Kelling, Katie St. Clair -
STAT 399: Senior Seminar
As part of their senior capstone experience, majors will work together in teams to develop advanced knowledge in a faculty-specified area or application of statistics, and to design and implement the first stage of a project completed the following term.
Prerequisites:Students have completed any of the following course(s): STAT 230 – Applied Regression Analysis and STAT 250 – Introduction to Statistical Inference with a grade of C- or better and has a Statistics Program of Study and senior class standing.
6 credits; S/CR/NC; No Exploration; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025 · Adam Loy, Amanda Luby -
STAT 400: Integrative Exercise
Either a supervised small-group research project or an individual, independent reading. Required of all senior majors. 3 – 6 credits; S/NC; offered Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025 · Katie St. Clair, Adam Loy, Amanda Luby