May 2023
Sat 20
- 9:00am Arboretum Volunteer Work Event - 3h
- 9:00am Cognitive Science Comps Presentations - 2h 30m
- 1:30pm Cindy Blaha's retirement celebration - 3h
Tue 23
- 12:00pm Annual Cognitive Science Luncheon - 1h
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 4:00pm Picnic RSVP Due Today - 30m
- 5:00pm Bio Department Year-end Picnic - 1h 30m
Wed 24
- 7:00pm 2023-24 Chemistry Comps Kickoff Meeting - 1h
Thu 25
- 12:00pm Lunch with PSYC faculty, students, and staff - 1h
- 12:00pm Periodic Table - 1h
- 3:30pm CS Tea: Joslenne Peña presents "Expanding the computing pipeline through community outreach and lived experience" - 1h
- 5:00pm End-of-Year PSYC Picnic - 2h
Fri 26
- 4:15pm Chemistry Department Picnic - 3h 15m
Mon 29
- Lunch with Peter Brodek ‘90
- 5:30pm Environmental Studies Senior Dinner - 2h 30m
Tue 30
- 12:00pm Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Annual Picnic - 1h 30m
- 12:00pm Physics Table - 1h
- 4:00pm Neural ConnectiviTEA - 1h
Wed 31
- 11:10am Careers in Water Speaker Panel - 1h 10m
June 2023
Thu 1
- 12:00pm CS Department Annual Picnic - 2h
- 12:00pm Lunch with PSYC faculty, students, and staff - 1h
Fri 2
- 3:00pm Chemistry Student Worker Appreciation - 1h
- 10:00pm Goodsell Observatory Open House - 1h 59m
Thu 8
- 8:00am Senior Canoe Trip - 7h
Fri 9
- 2:30pm Chemistry Senior Reception - 1h
- 2:30pm Computer Science Dept. Reception for Seniors and Parents - 1h
- 2:30pm Geology Senior Receptions - 1h
- 2:30pm Senior Week Environmental Studies Department Reception - 1h
Fri 16
- 2:00pm Alumni Reception - 2h
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2025 Winter Term begins January 6