May 26
Chemistry Department Picnic
Our Departmental Picnic will be held in Sechler Park on Friday, May 26, immediately following Honors Convo: RAIN or SHINE. Come for Great Food, Great Camaraderie, and the Famous Chemistry Department Annual Skit. Majors, please sign up by Tuesday, May 23. This form will let us know if you have dietary restrictions, if you will plan to drive your own vehicle (and can take passengers) and if you are a campus driver and can drive one of the 3-4 campus vehicles reserved.
All needing rides or driving campus vehicles, plan to be in the parking lot by James Hall at 4:10-4:15pm, immediately following Honors Convo. We will coordinate rides from there. I am looking for 4-5 van drivers to help transport people.
If you miss any of the vans, text Tami @ 507-321-2119.
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