Nov 2

Mathematics and Statistics Independent Comps Presentations

Thu, November 2, 2023 • 2:00pm - 5:45pm (3h 45m) • CMC 209/301

Join us to help support the seniors presenting comps.

Presentations in CMC 209

Title: An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory, 2:00-2:30 pm
Alistair Pattison

Title: An Introduction to Ergodic Theory, 2:30-3:00 pm
Andrew Hong

Title: The Simple Continued Fraction Expansion of e, 3:00-3:30 pm
Alyssa Hopper

Title: An Introduction to Spatial Statistics Clustering Methods, 5:15-5:45 pm
John Carragher

Presentations in CMC 301

Title: The Poincare Group and Wigner’s Classification: The Representation Theory of Particle Physics, 2:30-3:00 pm
Henry Bowman

Title: Gridiron Fortunes: Analyzing the NFL Prospects of College Quarterbacks, 3:00-3:30 pm
Chris Elliott


from Mathematics and Statistics

Event Contact: Sue Jandro

Event Summary

Mathematics and Statistics Independent Comps Presentations
  • When
    • Thursday, November 2, 2023
    • 2:00pm - 5:45pm (3h 45m)
  • Where
    • CMC 209/301
  • Mode
    • In-Person
  • Event Contact
  • Copy Share Link
  • Intended For: Students, Faculty, Staff, Families
  • Categories: Comps

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