Oct 10
Northfield Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium (NUMS)
Each year Carleton and St. Olaf students work on a variety of interesting research problems in mathematics, both here in Northfield and around the country. Several of these students will be sharing the work they did this past summer at the 2023 Northfield Undergraduate Mathematics Symposium.
3:30 pm - Welcome Remarks, Professor David Walmsley (St. Olaf)
3:35 pm - Mandelbrot Breadcrumbs, Murali Meyer (St. Olaf)
3:55 pm - The Stable Tamari Order: Applications of Graph Theory to Algebraic Combinatorics, Nzingha Joseph (Carleton)
4:15 pm - Examining the Effects of Route of Exposure in a Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Model of Chloroform in Rodents, Will Asinger (St. Olaf)
4:35 pm - Random Multiplicative Functions over Function Fields, Annemily Hoganson (Carleton)
Dinner Break
5:45 pm - Algorithmic Generation of DNA Self-Assembly Graphs, Grace Bielefeldt (St. Olaf) & Optimal Constructions for DNA Self-Assembly of k-Regular Graphs, Xingyi Zhang (Carleton)
6:15 pm - A Weighted Backward Shift that is Super Strongly Hypercyclic but not (Hyper)mixing, Ian Curtis (St. Olaf)
6:35 pm - An Algorithm for Polarizing Typed Combinators, Mimi Rapoport (Carleton)
6:55 pm - Concluding Remarks, Professor Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Carleton)
Organized by Professor David Walmsley (St. Olaf) and Professor Caroline Turnage-Butterbaugh (Carleton)
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