The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Book Chapter by Neil Lutsky
1 January 2005N. Lutsky, Random error: An appreciation of the chance of teaching. In T. Benson, C. Burke, et al. (Eds.), The teaching of psychology in autobiography: Perspectives from exemplary teachers, Society for the Teaching of Psychology, 2005, pp. 193-200.
Article by Annette Nierobisz
1 January 2004Annette Nierobisz. 2004. “Work and Occupations: Contemporary Society. Course Syllabus and Introductory Assignment.” In the American Sociological Association’s The Sociology of Work and Occupations: Syllabi and Other Instructional Materials, 5th Edition. Edited by Carol Auster.
Book edited by Susan Singer and Carol Rutz
1 January 2004Susan Singer and Carol Rutz (eds.). Reflections on Learning as Teachers. Northfield, MN: College City Press, 2004.
Article by Carol Rutz and Clara Hardy
1 June 2002Carol Rutz, Clara Shaw Hardy, and William Condon. “WAC for the Long Haul: A Tale of Hope,” The WAC Journal 13 (2002): 7-16.
Journal Article by Kathleen Galotti
1 November 2001Galotti, Kathleen M. (2001). Helps and hindrances for adolescents making important real-life decisions. Invited submission, special issue, Journal of Applied Development, 22, 275-287.
Journal Article by Kathleen Galotti
1 April 2001Galotti, Kathleen M., Reimer, Rebecca L, & Drebus, David W. (2001) Ways of knowing as learning styles: Learning MAGIC with a partner. Sex Roles, 44, 419-436.
Journal Article by Roy Elveton, Kathleen Galotti, Lloyd Komatsu, Matt Rand and Susan Singer
1 January 2000Elveton, Roy O., Galotti, Kathleen M., Komatsu, Lloyd K., Rand, Matthew S., & Singer, Susan R. (2000). Origins and mind: An integrated academic experience for new students. Liberal Education, 86, 32-40.