The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Journal Article by Palmar Alvarez-Blanco
20 December 2020Palmar Alvarez-Blanco & Steven L. Torres (2018) Transformative and emancipatory research and education: A counter-practice in research and teaching, Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 40:4, 305-328, DOI: 10.1080/10714413.2018.1532745
Book Chapter by Paula Lackie
19 December 2019Dekker, H., & Lackie, P. (2016). Technical Data Skills for Reproducible Research. In Databrarianship: The Academic Data Librarian in Theory and Practice.. UC Berkeley. Retrieved from
Book by Nathan Grawe
31 December 2018Grawe, Nathan D., Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018.
Journal Article by Cathryn Manduca and Ellen Iverson
20 February 2017Manduca, Cathryn A., Iverson, Ellen I., Luxenberg, Michael, MacDonald, R. Heather, McConnell, David A., Mogk, Davide W., Tewksbury, Barbara J. Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: The Efficacy of Discipline-based Professional Development. Science Advances, vol. 3, no 2, 15 Feb 2017: e1600193.
Journal Article by Kathleen Galotti and Andrea Nixon
1 October 2016Galotti, Kathleen M., Clare, Lacey R., McManus, Courtney, and Nixon, Andrea. The Academic Experiences Survey: Measuring Perceptions of Academic Climate in Liberal Arts Institutions. Journal on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Vol. 16, No. 5, October 2016, pp 32-48.
Journal Article by Adam Putnam
1 September 2016Putnam, A. L., Sungkhassettee, V., & Roediger, H. L. Optimizing learning in college: Tips from cognitive psychology. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2016, vol. 11 no.5, 652-660.
Journal Article by Debby Walser-Kuntz
1 July 2016L. Hannum, R. Kurt, & D. Walser-Kuntz. 2016. Developing Immunologists: A Role for Undergraduate Education. Trends in Immunology. DOI
Journal Article by Debby Walser-Kuntz
3 June 2016Walser-Kuntz D, Iroz CB. Public Health in Practice: Development of an Undergraduate Domestic Off-Campus Public Health Program. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. 2017;3(2):115-122. doi:10.1177/2373379916650208
Journal Article by Beth McKinsey
1 February 2016McKinsey, Elizabeth. Faculty Mentoring Undergraduates: The Nature, Development, and Benefits of Mentoring Relationships. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 1-15, Feb. 2016. ISSN 2167-4787.
Book Chapter by Adam Putnam
1 January 2016Putnam, A. L., Nestojko, J. F., & Roediger, H. L. (2016). Improving student learning: Two strategies to make it stick. In J. C. Horvath, J. Lodge, & J. A. C. Hattie (Eds.), From the Laboratory to the Classroom: Translating the Science of Learning for Teachers (pp. 94-121). Oxford, U.K.: Routledge.