The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Journal Article by Adam Loy
9 February 2024Brenna Curley, Jillian Downey, Katherine M. Kinnaird, Adam Loy & Eric Reyes (2023) Questions (and Answers) for Incorporating Nontraditional Grading in Your Statistics Courses, Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education, DOI: 10.1080/26939169.2023.2277851
Journal Article by Rou-Jia Sung
1 February 2023Wang, S., Sung, R.-J., Reinholz, D. L., & Bussey, T. J. (2023). Equity analysis of an augmented reality-mediated group activity in a college biochemistry classroom. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 1– 25.
Journal Article by Austin Mason and Jake Morton
10 January 2023Jake Morton and Austin Mason, “Launching an Experimental Archaeology Course at the Undergraduate Level,” EXARC Journal, no. 2022/4 (December 2, 2022),
Journal Article by Melissa Eblen-Zayas and Lin Winton
9 January 2023M. Eblen-Zayas & L. Winton, “Building a Social and Academic Online Bridge to Quantitatively Rich College Coursework”, Numeracy 15, Iss. 1: Article 3. doi:10.5038/1936-4660.15.1.1408 (2022).
Book Chapter by Palmar Alvarez-Blanco
23 December 2022For a Cultural Politics of Engagement: Combating Information Poverty In and Out of Class, Palmar Álvarez Blanco and Steven L. Torres in Language, Image, and Power in Luso-Hispanic Cultural Studies Theory and Practice 2022.
Book Chapter by Melissa Eblen-Zayas
14 October 2022Eblen-Zayas, Melissa, “Reflect to Deflect: Using Metacognitive Activities to Address Student Perceptions of Instructor Competence and Caring” in Picture a Professor: Interrupting Biases about Faculty and Increasing Student Learning, edited by Jessamyn Neuhaus West Virginia University Press, 2022.
Journal Article by Seth Peabody
3 October 2022Peabody, Seth. “Decolonizing Folklore? Diversifying the Fairy Tale Curriculum.” Die Unterrichtspraxis, vol. 54, no. 1, 2021, pp. 88–102,
Journal Article by Amy Csizmar Dalal and Emily Oliver
26 April 2022Csizmar Dalal, Amy, Oliver, Emily. A Case Study of a Multi-year Community-Engaged Learning Capstone in Computer Science, Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement 26(1), April 2022.
Journal Article by Melissa Eblen-Zayas
9 February 2021M. Eblen-Zayas & Janet S. Russell, “Making an online bridge program high touch,” Journal of College Student Development 60, 104, doi: 10.1353/csd.2019.0006 (2019).
Book by Scott Carpenter and Helena Kaufman
19 January 2021Carpenter, Scott and Kaufman, Helena. Integrating Worlds: How Off-Campus Study Can Transform Undergraduate Education. Stylus Publishing, 2019.