Last week’s LTC lunch brought together faculty and staff from many different departments and offices to consider the many ways in which the census provides opportunities to teach students about public health, racial constructs, identity, and political representation as well as offering rich opportunities for academic civic engagement projects.
Katie Lewis kicked the session off by asking the audience some questions to gauge their knowledge about the census. Debby Walser-Kuntz in biology, Liz Raleigh in sociology, and Christina Farhart in political science all shared how they incorporate census data in their courses.
In addition, Kristin Partlo provided a useful summary sheet about various census resources that are available from the library (and why you might want to use a particular type of resource), the staff who are available to partner with faculty in developing assignments or activities using census data, and additional information about census surveys and programs that might be useful in the curriculum.
Finally, Kendall Clements spoke about the ways the CCCE office is engaging with the community around Census 2020. If you weren’t able to attend the lunch, you can access the slides from the presentation, and below are some resources suggested by the speakers.
Resources about the census:
- Census 2020 and Minnesota Higher Education Network
- The US Census and the Apportionment Machine
- Lee, Jennifer, and Frank D. Bean. Diversity Paradox, The: Immigration and the Color Line in Twenty-First Century America. Russell Sage Foundation, 2010. Can be accessed through JSTOR on the Carleton campus.
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