Best Practices for STEM CUREs Teaching Circle–Fall 2023

7 June 2024

In the fall of 2023, five Carleton STEM faculty members met to discuss the elements of Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs), their experiences implementing CUREs at Carleton, and the desired…

many large posters on white easels with students discussing them

Scaffolding to a Course Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in a Cognitive Science Lab

7 June 2024

The CURE in Cognitive Processes (CGSC 232/233) has three stages. The first focuses on giving students experience participating in cognitive evaluations. This includes reviewing canonical experiments in cognitive psychology and…

Teaching students to be (neuro)scientists via a course-based undergraduate research experience in a Foundations in Neuroscience course.

7 June 2024

A course-based undergraduate research experience (CURE) affords students the opportunity to do hands-on research while enabling faculty to generate data. Here, I describe a CURE conducted in Foundations in Neuroscience…

Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE) in Geology courses.

7 June 2024

I teach several geology courses. In each course, my students are given research topics at the start of the term and instructions on how to conduct research. Throughout the term…

What Do CUREs Look Like in Physics?

7 June 2024

CUREs for Physics The amount of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) happening in my own teaching and across physics and astronomy at Carleton ranges from rare to pervasive depending on…

Developing a New CURE in Organic Chemistry

7 June 2024

My goal is to implement a stand-alone CURE course in organic chemistry in the spring of 2025 (CHEM 300). I spent part of my 2022-23 sabbatical searching for an experiment…

Active-Learning Activities Across Disciplines

12 April 2024

Teaching Circle Description: “Each year the LTC supports one or two teaching circles. These teaching circles provide the opportunity for three faculty members to observe each other’s classes, engage in…

teach spelled out using dice on a table

Teaching With and Around ChatGPT and Other Tools

21 December 2022

A Highlight from the December 2022 LTC Conference. At the conference, we wanted to start answering the question “how can we teach critical thinking and digital literacy using AI tools?” …

Image created by Dall-E from the prompt

Reading Circle: Trust in Numbers

18 April 2022

In summer 2021, we structured our Reading Circle around weekly discussions of Trust in Numbers by Theodore Porter, supplemented by additional readings (see Further reading below). We began this Reading…

Book cover of Trust in Numbers

Finding the Excitement in Teaching Remotely: Doing CS with a Light Board

16 September 2020

Why would you build your own light board in your home office? It sounds exciting but how does it work and why should you consider doing it (or not)? I…

David Liben-Nowell teaching at a light board

