Teaching With and Around ChatGPT and Other Tools

21 December 2022

A Highlight from the December 2022 LTC Conference. At the conference, we wanted to start answering the question “how can we teach critical thinking and digital literacy using AI tools?” …

Image created by Dall-E from the prompt

Pedagogy in the Pandemic and Beyond: An Interview with Mija Van Der Wege

23 November 2021

The past year has been filled with pedagogical challenges, from transitioning to online or hybrid teaching and back, to fostering much-needed antiracism and equity in the classroom. But it has…

woman with long dark hair standing with arms crossed

A glimpse into a teaching circle

31 January 2020

Kim Huynh (Chemistry), Andrea Mazzariello (Music), Ryan Terrien (Physics & Astronomy), and Paul Petzschmann (European Studies) participated in a teaching circle this past fall. They created a podcast that provides a glimpse into their experience.

Five professors sitting around a table

Connecting with Art Exhibitions and Artist Residencies Across the Curriculum

25 November 2019

The November 12th LTC session provided some excellent examples of how faculty can make use of exhibitions or artist residencies to bring new dimensions of teaching and learning to their…

Students at an art exhibition

Teaching circle reflections on student participation

13 November 2017

Kristin Bloomer (Religion), Anita Chikkatur (Educational Studies), and Anna Rafferty (Computer Science) participated in a teaching circle last spring. Here Kristin, Anita, and Anna provide a glimpse into their experience…

Featured Image

SoTL stories

5 April 2017

Faculty at Carleton spend a lot of time thinking about teaching, and yet we don’t always do a good job of making our scholarly teaching visible, as I noted in…

LTC Lunch session

