Teaching in Troubled Times
As you prepare for spring term, whether your focus is on courses, advising, or student support work, it feels important to think ahead to the ongoing trial of Derek Chauvin…

Meditation and mindfulness
Mental health is a widespread topic of conversation on campus. Often our focus is on student wellness, but faculty and staff also benefit from developing healthy practices. One program offered…

Slow teaching debrief
Following their LTC presentation this fall, Neil Lutsky and Janet Lewis Muth, along with Donna McMillan at St. Olaf, gave out mini-grants to faculty who wanted to experiment with slowing…

Supporting student mental health
Mental health challenges are a common concern facing Carleton students. A number of the winter workshops, including the new faculty winter workshop, the winter workshop on feedback, and the advising…

Teaching fast and slow
Last week, Neil Lutsky (psychology) and Janet Lewis Muth (Office of Health Promotion), along with Donna McMillan of St. Olaf, presented an LTC talk that encouraged faculty to think about…

Sleepy students
According to institutional research, only one half of all Carleton students say they get enough sleep to feel rested at least four nights a week. Tip: Don’t have midnight deadlines for…

- Course Content
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