Student Experiences from Spring Term

30 July 2020

On July 9, The LTC and Academic Techology were delighted to host a conversation about our students’ experiences with remote instruction during spring term. Chris Dallager (Director of Disability Services),…

Student studying alone

Promoting effective course reading

3 March 2020

Reading is an important skill across the curriculum, and yet there are many different types of reading. As faculty members, we often assign reading without making explicit our expectations for…

Stack of books

Teaching Toolbox: Giving Feedback That Supports Students

24 September 2018

Last week’s LTC lunch discussion considered how to provide feedback that supports students without taking too much faculty time. Although the focus was on feedback, immediately grades entered the conversation.…

A pair of glasses on a stack of books

Constructing syllabi for the new term

29 December 2017

With the start of a new term just around the corner, faculty are busy putting the finishing touches on their syllabi. Research shows the tone and structure of a syllabus…

icon depicting a syllabus

Transparent assignment design

27 December 2017

Last term, our final LTC session wrapped up with a discussion of the Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) framework. Transparent teaching has been shown to boost students’ academic confidence…

A transparent sphere reflects surrounds in an outdoor setting

The Benefits of the Writing Center

13 September 2017

This past summer Carol Trosset completed a study tracking the class that entered Carleton in Fall 2015 and their use of the Writing Center, their performance in writing-rich courses, and their…

Carleton Writing Center

Small course modifications that can help all students succeed

27 August 2017

With the start of the new academic year nearly upon us, here are some relatively low stakes ways to help all students succeed in your courses. What approaches will you…

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Office hours — more than meets the eye

26 May 2017

In the past two weeks, I have attended or participated in three different presentations/discussions in which the topic of office hours has come up. Faculty are sometimes frustrated that the students…

icon depicting an office

Teaching low-income and first-generation college students

31 March 2017

The longer I’ve been at Carleton the more opportunities I’ve had to interact with the TRIO/SSS program and students. I enjoy getting to know the TRIO students, and I continue…

TRIO logo

Teaching toolbox: Responding to difficult moments in the classroom

20 January 2017

Tuesday’s LTC lunch provided some fantastic small group conversations about handling those moments in a classroom where a comment causes tension or conflict to flare, and how to respond in a…

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