Winter 2014: Tradition and Change

28 January 2014

LTC: Translating Experience: A Globally Engaged Curriculum

Learn more about plans and opportunities for international work and study, foreign language across the curriculum (FLAC), and advanced interdisciplinary work. Especially useful for those preparing applications for GEI curricular grants.

LTC: Technology and Its Influence on Educational Transformation

This presentation will describe the aspirations and implications of a range of educational technology initiatives at MIT, including those that support rich interactive learning experiences and concept-based approaches.  It will set the stage for a discussion on opportunities and readiness for educational innovation and transformation. M. S. Vijay Kumar, Ed. D, Senior Strategic Advisor, Digital Learning & Director, Office of Educational Innovation and Technology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology

LTC: Faculty Learning, Student Learning

A four-year, mixed-methods project in collaboration with Washington State U describes an effective culture of teaching and learning for faculty and students. Carol Rutz, Director of the College Writing Program/Senior Lecturer in English; Cathy Manduca, Director, Science Education Resource Center; Ellen Iverson, Evaluation Director

LTC: A Coach, and Artist and a Scientist Walk into a Circle

Three faculty members from wildly different disciplines visited each other’s native teaching habitats (the studio, the court, the key/blackboard) during fall term. Despite the obvious superficial differences, they encountered surprising commonalities and shared challenges for their students in these vastly different environments: about failure, about spatial reasoning and visual language, about how a group can genuinely become a team. In this session, they’ll share some of these commonalities—and a few of the ways in which they’re all jealous of each other. Kelly Connole, Associate Professor of Art; Heidi Jaynes, Professor of Physical Education, Athletics, and Recreation; David Liben-Nowell, Associate Professor of Computer Science  

LTC: Varieties of Public Humanities

What does civic engagement look like when it is done by scholars rather than students? Four members of the Humanities Center Seminar “Varieties of Public Humanities” will briefly discuss their scholarship, in which the ‘public’ is primarily a community partner in their research process. Michael McNally, Professor of Religion; Andy Flory, Assistant Professor of Music; Adrienne Falcón, Director of Academic Civic Engagement and Adjunct Instructor in Sociology; Éva Pósfay, Professor of French

LTC: Lifelogging and Other Data Visualizations: Art or Science?

Inspired by the exhibition “Lifeloggers: Chronicling the Everyday” and offering highly creative personal data visualizations, this panel will explore how ‘big data,’ collected for personal or scholarly projects, is analyzed, visualized, materialized, and otherwise organized for public consumption. Cosponsored by the Perlman Teaching Museum and QuIRK. Laurel Bradley, Director and Curator of the Perlman Teaching Museum; David Lefkowitz, Associate Professor of Art; Doug Foxgrover, Communication and Training Coordinator, Information Technology Services; Jeff Ondich, Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science  

LTC: The Libe in ’25

Over the past few decades, librarians have been dealing with numerous changes to their profession in regards to library collections, scholarly communication, and overall expectations. This presentation will explore how the library will evolve over the next decade as we attempt to keep up with the rapidly evolving information landscape in an effort to meet the needs of the Carleton community. Students are welcome to attend. Presenters: William North, Associate Professor of History; Heather Tompkins, Reference and Instruction Librarian for Humanities and Government Documents; Brad Schaffner, College Librarian

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