Nov 9, 2021: Microaffirmations

4 January 2022

Microaffirmations, as the name implies, are the opposite of microaggressions–small actions, gestures, and interactions that can make traditionally marginalized individuals feel more seen, welcome, and safe in their environment. Though…

Nov. 5, 2019: Self-Assessment as a Tool for Student Learning

18 November 2019

This session will address ways that faculty can incorporate self-assessment as one component of student feedback. Effective self-assessment encourages the development of metacognitive skills necessary for higher-order thinking. Faculty, staff,…

Sept. 24, 2019: Fostering Collegial Conversations about Teaching: Reflecting on LTC Programs and Brainstorming Options for the Future

3 October 2019

In addition to the weekly lunches, which are the most visible LTC activities, the LTC also offers an array of other programs to support teaching and learning, including teaching circles,…

Jan 22, 2019: Class Act for Faculty and Staff: How We Talk about Socioeconomic Difference

24 January 2019

Class Act for Faculty and Staff: How We Talk about Socioeconomic Difference Class Act is a “for-students, by-students” space to discuss socioeconomic difference. This session will mirror that experience, encouraging…

Nov 1, 2016: Acknowledging Class in the Classroom

28 October 2016

Twelve percent (1 in 8) of Carleton students are identified as low-income, according to federal guidelines. Join TRIO staff to discuss faculty-provided scenarios related to how students’ socioeconomic status manifests…

