May 23, 2017: Increasing Participation and Success for All Students in STEM Courses and Majors at Carleton: Student Views

28 May 2017

The presentation will discuss findings from  the second part of participatory action research study on the experiences of under-represented students in STEM courses and majors at Carleton. The research team…

May 9, 2017: Truth, Information Literacy, and the American Way: Assignments that Make Sense of Current Events

10 May 2017

Continuing the campus discussion about how we respond to current events, this panel will feature faculty and librarians discussing assignments and strategies to encourage critical thinking and information literacy in…

May 4, 2017: Perspectives on Improving Science Education

5 May 2017

Catherine Drennan, Professor of Chemistry and Biology at MIT, has been involved in many efforts to improve science courses and to broaden the diversity of students who succeed in these…

April 25, 2017: Joining Forces in Faculty Development: Opportunities Through the ACM

28 April 2017

Time is a precious commodity for faculty, perhaps even more so for new faculty members.  Why would faculty members who juggle teaching, research, governance and work-life balance volunteer time for…

April 11, 2017: The Educational Value of a Campus Job

12 April 2017

Our students can learn significant lessons while working in campus employment. In many cases, the skills and habits that are fostered in employment can carry over into academic studies. This…

April 4, 2017: Sharing Scholarly Teaching: Reflections on SoTL Success Stories

5 April 2017

Carleton faculty are creative, reflective teachers, who can contribute to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). However, taking the first steps into the SoTL realm can be intimidating. Three…

