May 2, 2023 – Considering A&I
As the only course required for every Carleton student, A&Is carry a lot of weight in the Liberal Arts curriculum. But what exactly are A&Is, and what do we want…
Jan 31, 2023 – How We Learn and How Instructional Technology Can Help
Building on current understandings of how our brains work and how this impacts learning, we will explore how Moodle and other instructional technologies can help students develop effective learning techniques…
Jan 17, 2023 – Career Education at Carleton and Beyond
How do we enable students to articulate the value of their liberal arts education? In what ways do we encourage students to identify the skills and attributes they are developing…
Jan 10, 2023 – Placing Civil Discourse: Experience and Experiment
What is civil discourse? How can it be created and sustained in the classroom, on campus, and beyond? In this session students and faculty involved in an A&I seminar dedicated…
April 19, 2022 – The Teaching Toolbox: Learning Strategies for Students Who Struggle with Focus on Deep Work
Learn about and share with colleagues technologies and strategies that can help with focus, with letting go of one’s smartphone (for at least a little while), with reading strategies, and…
Winter Conference 2020: Reflective Writing
Participants brainstormed and discussed ways to use reflective and metacognitive writing for a variety of purposes: to bolster students’ thinking, to help them critically examine their strengths and the gaps…
Nov. 5, 2019: Self-Assessment as a Tool for Student Learning
This session will address ways that faculty can incorporate self-assessment as one component of student feedback. Effective self-assessment encourages the development of metacognitive skills necessary for higher-order thinking. Faculty, staff,…
Sept. 24, 2019: Fostering Collegial Conversations about Teaching: Reflecting on LTC Programs and Brainstorming Options for the Future
In addition to the weekly lunches, which are the most visible LTC activities, the LTC also offers an array of other programs to support teaching and learning, including teaching circles,…
Apr. 12, 2018: Using Reflective Writing to Promote Transfer in Writing-Rich Courses
Kathleen Yancey is one of the preeminent scholars of composition and rhetoric working today, and she has published widely on the role of reflective writing in the undergraduate curriculum. She…
Mar. 27, 2018: Engaging Students in Reflection During Internships
This presentation will describe how the Summer Internship Reflection and Career Readiness Program engages students in reflection. The Program encompasses the preparatory work done by the student before the internship,…
- Advising & Mentoring Students
- Course Content
- Course Design
- Faculty & Staff Scholarship
- High Impact Practices
- Inclusive Classrooms
- Learning & Teaching with Technology
- Other Topics
- Resilient Pedagogy
- Student Identities
- Teaching in Disciplines
- Teaching Methods
- A&I Seminars
- Academic Honesty
- Academic Technology
- Accessibility
- Active Learning
- Advising
- Antiracism
- Arb
- Arboretum
- Arts
- Assessment
- Assignments
- BIPOC Students
- Black Students
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- Civil Discourse
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- Collaboration
- Community
- Critical Thinking
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- Data Visualization
- Difficult Conversations
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- Distraction
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- ePortfolios
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- Fall 2024
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- Indigenous Students
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- Spring 2014
- Spring 2015
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- Spring 2019
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- Spring 2022
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- Spring 2024
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- Student Fellowships
- Student Research
- Student Support
- Student-Student Rapport
- Students with Disabilities
- Syllabus
- Teaching Museum
- Team-Based Learning
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- Title IX
- Transparent Assignment Design
- Universal Design for Learning
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- Winter 2013
- Winter 2014
- Winter 2015
- Winter 2016
- Winter 2017
- Winter 2018
- Winter 2019
- Winter 2020
- Winter 2021
- Winter 2022
- Winter 2023
- Winter 2024
- Winter Conference 2020
- Women Students
- Writing