October 10, 2023 – Considering A&Is From Students’ Perspectives
The LTC has hosted several faculty-focused sessions about the Argument and Inquiry seminars in the last few years, but what do we know about students’ experiences A&I courses? As they…
Jan 24, 2023 – Indigenous Student Experience at Carleton
Jan 17, 2023 – Career Education at Carleton and Beyond
How do we enable students to articulate the value of their liberal arts education? In what ways do we encourage students to identify the skills and attributes they are developing…
Jan 10, 2023 – Placing Civil Discourse: Experience and Experiment
What is civil discourse? How can it be created and sustained in the classroom, on campus, and beyond? In this session students and faculty involved in an A&I seminar dedicated…
April 12, 2022: Welcoming LGTBQIA+ Students Into the Classroom
This session centers on inclusivity and belonging of LGBTQIA+ students in the classroom, learning how to create a welcoming environment and integrate queer and trans topics into curricular learning goals.…
April 5, 2022: Climate Change Throughout the Curriculum
Climate change is transforming our civilization in fundamental ways. How can we help our students confront transformation? No single discipline owns this multifaceted problem. It has relevance to every field…
March 31, 2022: Data Feminism
Lauren F. Klein is a co-author, with Catherine D’Ignazio, of Data Feminism (MIT Press 2020). Part of a series that “advances provocative hypotheses about the meaning of new technologies for contemporary society,” the book brings…
Nov 2, 2021: Incorporating Social Justice Insights in the Language Curriculum
Faculty across the college are searching for ways to more fully embrace antiracist teaching. In a summer reading circle, a group of colleagues in Spanish looked for theoretical approaches and…
April 20, 2021: Decolonizing your Syllabus: Implicitly and Explicitly
In the context of our ongoing work in inclusion, diversity, and equity, many groups on campus have been discussing the cultural and racial perspectives that have shaped many of our…
Oct 24, 2017: Creative Partnerships in Teaching
Team-teaching provides important faculty development opportunities and enriches the curriculum, but negotiating scheduling and workload for team-taught courses can be difficult. We will highlight several approaches to faculty collaboration and…
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