Oct 24, 2017: Creative Partnerships in Teaching

28 February 2018

Team-teaching provides important faculty development opportunities and enriches the curriculum, but negotiating scheduling and workload for team-taught courses can be difficult. We will highlight several approaches to faculty collaboration and…

April 25, 2017: Joining Forces in Faculty Development: Opportunities Through the ACM

28 April 2017

Time is a precious commodity for faculty, perhaps even more so for new faculty members.  Why would faculty members who juggle teaching, research, governance and work-life balance volunteer time for…

Sept 27, 2016: Dialogos IV: Ruling States and Citizens in Times of War

5 October 2016

This session features work emerging from the Humanities Center/GEI Faculty Research Seminar, “War, Destruction, (Re)Invention: Legacies of Creation and Transformation in the Context of Global Conflict.” Speakers: Louis Epstein Assistant…

Spring 2016: The Fabric of Our Campus

4 April 2016

This term’s LTC lunches have a wide variety, touching on issues of student life, research projects that combine faculty and students, and advising.  Together, they are an opportunity for us to use the LTC to make our learning environment stronger.

Winter 2016: Campus Climate, National Issues, and Student Achievement

25 January 2016

This term’s lunch session focus on campus and classroom climate, as well as sessions that look at student achievement.  We also have a session on faculty research and an example of a different model for a common reading.

