April 9, 2024 – Teaching with Art
The Perlman Teaching Museum works with faculty, staff, and students to encourage engagement with art. Art strengthens critical thinking skills, writing, speaking, and brings mental health benefits. This session includes…
Feb 21, 2023 – ACE Faculty Reflections on “Critical Service-Learning”
Faculty members from the humanities and STEM fields at Carleton who have incorporated ACE components into their courses will reflect on and host small group table discussions on critical approaches…
Sept 21, 2021: Lessons Learned from Pandemic Teaching
What innovations or discoveries from our teaching experiences during the pandemic merit being carried forward? What new approaches did you try? What worked better than you perhaps expected? A panel…
April 20, 2021: Decolonizing your Syllabus: Implicitly and Explicitly
In the context of our ongoing work in inclusion, diversity, and equity, many groups on campus have been discussing the cultural and racial perspectives that have shaped many of our…
Mar 5, 2020: Cinema & Media Studies as a Digital Liberal Art
The Digital Liberal Arts, as well as the related area of Digital Humanities, have often had a less-than-engaged relationship with Media Studies, despite being a humanities discipline with a focus…
Feb 4, 2020: Faculty Stories of Publishing Monographs
In some disciplines a monograph is a centerpiece of a faculty member’s scholarly agenda. How does one write and publish a monograph while working at Carleton? What does one say…
Nov. 12, 2019: Connecting with Art Exhibitions and Artist Residencies Across the Curriculum
How can the arts offer new ways to start conversations in the classroom? How might art act as “data” that opens new windows into understanding topics? How can faculty make…
May 21, 2019: “Always Connect”: Public Scholarship and Community Engagement in the Real World
We talk a good game about the benefits of directing our scholarly work at the broader public, and engaging our students in community-based learning, but what are the true benefits…
Nov 6, 2018: Public-facing Student Scholarship in Your Classroom
Come join your colleagues to talk about your past or planned course assignments where students create public or semi-public scholarship – blog posts, articles, posters, websites, Wikipedia articles, performances, and…
Oct 23, 2018: Teaching in the #metoo Era
The #metoo movement has drawn much needed attention to issues of sexual abuse and asymmetrical exercise of power in the broader culture. A reckoning of sorts is underway particularly in…
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