April 5, April 12, April 21, April 26, May 3, May 17, May 24
LTC Lunch: New Strategies for Collaborating and Communicating with Students (Mar. 31)
Learn about the coming suite of options for communicating, sharing files and organizing digital materials with students and colleagues. The presenters will describe the opportunities and challenges of self-directed document sharing and will use two case studies to illuminate evolving approaches to working with students. Presenters: Janet Scannell, Chief Technology Officer; Kristin Partlo, Reference & Instruction Librarian for Social Sciences & Data; Russ Bauer, Enterprise Analyst/Developer; Austin Robinson-Coolidge, Director of Technology Support; Paula Lackie, Academic Technologist
LTC Lunch: Student Research Assistants: Why, Where, When and How (Apr. 5)
A common conversation among faculty at selective SLAC institutions like Carleton is how to forward a research agenda without the help of graduate students. One solution is to include undergraduates into the process. This model is already in place in the sciences and among certain social sciences, however in the humanities and arts it is less clear how to achieve this goals. This panel aims to share some practical insights on how this process may look like by discussing various successful experiences of close faulty-student collaborations that took place over the summer. We hope to help other with ideas on how to identify students, how to manage learning curves, expectations, and other related questions. Panelists will briefly present their experiences along with “tips” and then open up the panel for a Q&A session that will include the participation of students that worked with us. Presenters: Jessica Keating, Assistant Professor of Art History; Alex Knodell, Assistant Professor of Classics; Constanza Ocampo-Raeder, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
LTC Lunch: Going Deeply Digital in the Carleton Classroom: Proof of Concept (Apr. 12)
In Bringing the English Past to Virtual Life, Austin Mason and Susannah Ottaway explored the theory and practice of English social welfare systems in a new way: by creating with their students computer game scenarios that explore the lived experience of paupers within an immersive three-dimensional virtual institution created by a team of student researchers and Digital Humanities Associates. Interweaving a wide range of digital tools with traditional humanistic sources and methods, students and professors gained new insights into teaching and learning, as well as into the history of England. Presenters: Susannah Ottaway, Professor of History; Austin Mason, Robert A Oden Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovation in the Liberal Arts and Digital Humanities in History
LTC Lunch: Demonstrating Substantial Knowledge In a Field: Carleton’s Take (Apr. 21)
The Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC) is studying the degree to which students demonstrate substantial knowledge of a field of study as part of our institutional assessment plan. This may be the best opportunity in the college’s history to understand what we mean by advanced study. Come hear about patterns present across the student learning outcomes developed by departments and programs and engage in a lively discussion about what advanced study means at Carleton. Presenters: Gail Nelson, Professor of Mathematics; Andrea Nixon, Director of Educational Research; Bill North, Associate Professor of History; Linda Rossi, Professor of Art
LTC Lunch: Teaching with the Teaching Museum: Integrating Exhibition Planning with Courses (Apr. 26)
Two years to plan an exhibition in the Perlman Teaching Museum?! This sounds like an awfully long time, but Mary Savina and Victoria Morse will explain the many rewards (as well as a few challenges) of the long planning process. George McAneny ’16 and Tyler Spaeth ’16 will explore how the research they contributed to the Mediterranean Rivers exhibition related to their studies, and Christina Chang will help us to contextualize the idea of a teaching museum. Presenters: Mary Savina ’72, Professor of Geology; Victoria Morse, Professor of History; Christina Chang, Interim Director of the Perlman Teaching Museum; George McAneny ’16; Tyler Spaeth ’16
LTC Lunch: Green Dot at Carleton: How Faculty and Staff Can Support Student Bystander Intervention to Prevent Sexual Violence (May 3)
The nationally recognized Green Dot bystander intervention curriculum is being piloted at Carleton this year, with the goal of training 200 students annually to help prevent sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking. During this session, we will give an overview of the concepts covered during student Green Dot trainings and discuss the role that faculty and staff can play in creating a campus culture where sexual violence is not tolerated. Presenters: Mary Dunnewold, Title IX Investigator; Laura Haave, Director of the Gender and Sexuality Center; Heidi Jaynes, Associate Athletic Director, Senior Woman Administrator, and Head Volleyball Coach; and Caroline Sheffield ’17, Gender and Sexuality Center Associate
LTC Lunch: What’s Your Story? Narrative Approaches to Advising (May 17)
As advisers and teachers, how can we help students trace the unfolding story of their education, or of their lives as a whole? How would we do the work of advising differently if we re-imagined it as a narrative process, and what challenges do we face in making sense of the stories students tell us about themselves? Join us as we explore the many intersections between advising and storytelling. Presenters: Louis Newman, Associate Dean of the College and Director of Advising; Susan Jaret-McKinstry, Professor of English; Éva Pósfay, Professor of French; George Vrtis, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and History
LTC Lunch: Increasing Participation and Success for All Students in STEM Courses and Majors at Carleton (May 24)
The presentation will discuss preliminary findings from a participatory action research study on the experiences of underrepresented students in STEM courses and majors at Carleton. The faculty/student research team will discuss our findings from faculty interviews conducted in the winter term as well as information we gather from students in the spring. Presenters: Diana Delgado ’18; Vivian Do ’16; Phuong Nguyen ’18; Ka Thao ’17; Stephanie Valle ’17; Anita Chikkatur, Associate Professor of Educational Studies