April 6, 2021: Peer Mentoring Programs in Academic Programs Supporting BIPOC Students

29 April 2021

Several academic programs at Carleton programs are working with peer mentors to increase support for BIPOC and other students with historically underrepresented identities. Daniel Hernández and one of the mentors will explain the new Biology PEER (Persons Excluded because of their Ethnicity or Race) mentoring program. Thabiti Willis and Jorge Banuelos ’20 will discuss Jorge’s role as a 5th-year intern for Africana Studies and his earlier work as an SDA for Africana Studies and Religion. Deborah Gross and Vermilion Villarreal ’20 will present the FOCUS peer-mentoring program and Vermilion’s work with the FOCUS program as a 5th year intern.

April 6, 2021: Peer Mentoring Programs