Students often approach faculty members looking for career advice. The Career Center offers to help out, but where do you start? What are your options? In this session, several faculty members will share their experience of working with the Career Center to support students in their career discernment process (and more specifically, to help them to find meaningful research, internship, and full-time job experiences.) Faculty presenters will describe their approaches, highlighting some of the challenges, as well as the benefits of this partnership. How can faculty support students to (re)build their confidence and boost their engagement in career development in a way that is uniquely attuned to Carleton? The session is designed to demonstrate and inspire collaboration, especially for faculty members who don’t know where to begin.
RJ Holmes-Leopold, Director of the Career Center
Annette Nierobisz, Professor of Sociology
Bill North, Professor of History
Asuka Sango, John W. Nason Professor of Asian Studies and Religion