October 6, 2020: Climate Action Plans and Course Collaborations

13 October 2020

Carleton College’s 2011 Climate Action Plan has a goal to be carbon-free by the year 2050 and the City of Northfield just passed it’s own plan to be carbon- free by the year 2040. In both of these documents there are opportunities for collaboration with coursework. The action items include elements of research, study, evaluation, civic engagement, and volunteer opportunities for academic civic engagement projects. Both plans also provide options for a variety of courses and disciplines. We will give a brief summary of the two plans, explore case studies from previous course projects, and discuss other potential connections and course projects.

Beth Kallestad, Program Coordinator,City of Northfield

Alex Miller, Sustainability Program Coordinator

Martha Larson, Manager of Campus Energy and Sustainability

Erica Zweifel, CCCE Program Manager