Posts tagged with “Teaching in Disciplines” (All posts)

Oct 23, 2018: Teaching in the #metoo Era

26 October 2018

The #metoo movement has drawn much needed attention to issues of sexual abuse and asymmetrical exercise of power in the broader culture. A reckoning of sorts is underway particularly in…

Oct 9, 2018: Teaching Fast and Slow

24 October 2018

Questions Raised and Lessons Learned from Positive Psychology How does the pace of academic life affect teaching and learning? Experience of an academic term can range from an opportunity to…

Feb 28, 2017: More Than Writing: Oral and Visual Communication

28 February 2018

What do effective oral and visual presentations of arguments look like and how do we help students make them? Faculty will describe the design, scaffolding, and evaluation of assignments (e.g.…

Feb 7, 2017: Assessment in the Humanities

28 February 2018

Our experience in the philosophy department is that it is hard to come up with assessment tools that deliver reliable data. We spent part of the summer figuring out why…

Oct. 31: Sharing Our Search History: Revealing shared curricular goals within disciplinary assessments

28 February 2018

The research landscape has changed dramatically in a short period of time. Do you ever wonder how your students navigate the complex universe of literature in your field? Many departments…

Oct 24, 2017: Creative Partnerships in Teaching

28 February 2018

Team-teaching provides important faculty development opportunities and enriches the curriculum, but negotiating scheduling and workload for team-taught courses can be difficult. We will highlight several approaches to faculty collaboration and…

Oct 17, 2017: Teaching Quantitative Reasoning via Department-Specific Problem-Solving Courses

28 February 2018

Different STEM departments have designed different problem-solving courses to address the needs of students who might need extra support with quantitative reasoning skills. The structure of these courses varies based…

Oct 10, 2017: ACE at Carleton: How well are we doing and what can we do better?

28 February 2018

In this panel we explore the history and current context of Academic Civic Engagement (ACE) at Carleton.  Faculty panelists will present resources for teaching ACE courses and showcase their specific…

Feb. 27, 2018: DIALOGOS – Facets of Care: Clinical, Ethical, Spiritual

27 February 2018

How do we think about care and how do we practice care in today’s interconnected and conflicted world?  How do our beliefs in the power of human agency to advance…

May 23, 2017: Increasing Participation and Success for All Students in STEM Courses and Majors at Carleton: Student Views

28 May 2017

The presentation will discuss findings from  the second part of participatory action research study on the experiences of under-represented students in STEM courses and majors at Carleton. The research team…

