Posts tagged with “Learning & Teaching with Technology” (All posts)

Oct 5, 2021: Leveraging Student (and Faculty) Computing Devices

4 January 2022

Students at Carleton now all have a laptop that makes it possible for computer-based activities to happen in the classroom.  We learned over the last few months that collaborative tools…

Sept 21, 2021: Lessons Learned from Pandemic Teaching

6 October 2021

What innovations or discoveries from our teaching experiences during the pandemic merit being carried forward? What new approaches did you try? What worked better than you perhaps expected? A panel…

May 4, 2021: Learning Technologies with Social Justice Benefits or How I Survived the Last Few Months and Want to Keep Teaching

4 June 2021

Some of the learning technologies used over the last year created teaching opportunities for increased equitable access to content, increased or different opportunities for communication and collaboration, and different learning…

April 27, 2021: The Post Pandemic Classroom

29 April 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted teaching and learning in many ways. Faculty and students have learned new skills and expanded their options for interacting virtually in ways that are here to stay.…

Feb 16, 2021: What Does Learning Sound Like?

28 April 2021

This experimental “mini book group” addresses how teachers and students can help create a classroom atmosphere that generates fruitful discussions. In preparation, participants will read Chapter 7, “What Does Learning…

Feb 9, 2021: Fostering Academic Honesty in an Online Setting

28 April 2021

As we continue to navigate online teaching, academic honesty violations are ticking up.  Concerns about “getting the right answer,” the ease of looking things up, and the difficulty of proctoring…

January 19, 2021: Gather.Town

20 January 2021

Gather Town, a new online platform described by some as a cross between Zoom and Pac-Man, allows for dynamic virtual interaction between participants. This session will present an array of…

Winter Conference 2020: Enhancing Student Experience through Innovation in Online Presentation

11 December 2020

Are there ways of improving your students’ experience of online learning?  Hear from colleagues about ways of enhancing your online presence that push beyond the basics to support student engagement…

Winter Conference 2020: Teaching Data Visualization

11 December 2020

Having students include graphs, maps, and other charts in their homework or final projects is an engaging way to view content from another perspective, synthesize content or research findings, and…

Winter Conference 2020: Digital Projects for the Post Pandemic Classroom

11 December 2020

Although remote learning can present challenges to some types of classroom assignment, it also offers exciting new opportunities for digital project work that takes full advantage of the internet. This…

