Sept 22, 2020: Discussing Racism and Systemic Inequality

22 September 2020

This past summer the Humanities Center supported 14 Summer Research Circles, many focused on issues of racism and systemic inequality. Come and hear about 3 of these discussions: Racial Identity and Ethnicity in the Ancient World (Classics); Discussing Blackness in the French Context (French); and Race, Caste, and White Supremacy in Contemporary Area Studies (Religion/European Studies).

Kristin Bloomer, Associate Professor of Religion

Clara Hardy, Professor of Classics, David and Marian Adams Bryn-Jones Distinguished Teaching Professor of the Humanities

Christine Lac, Senior Lecturer in French

Jake Morton, Assistant Professor of Classics

Paul Petzschmann, Lecturer and Research Associate in European Studies

Chico Zimmerman, Hazel Lillian Amland Grose Professor of Classics

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