Jul 25

Working with Writers Across the Achievement Gap

Tue, July 25, 2023 • 10:30am - 12:00pm (1h 30m) • Zoom

This session will address the challenges of engaging student writers with a wide range of abilities.  Asan institution that’s committed to the writing across the curriculum model, Carleton faculty often prides themselves on the fact that our students write a lot in a variety of different contexts. However, students who come in with lower fluency or less developed academic writing skills than their peers often face a steep learning curve in our classes.  In this session, we’ll discuss how individual instructors can clarify the role of writing in their classes, develop assignments and teaching strategies that challenge students without creating unnecessary barriers to some, and help connect students with extracurricular support services that can help students develop their writing skills within and between their classes.

Led by George Cusack, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum

Participants must register for the Zoom link.

Event Contact: George Cusack
Event Link: for More Information

Event Summary

Working with Writers Across the Achievement Gap
  • Intended For: Faculty
  • Categories: Training/Orientation

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