May 17
LTC Lunch - Tech Café: Getting (Re)Acquainted with Possibilities
Join us for this interactive session showcasing multiple tech tools at different stations. Take a moment away from advising and swing by to explore new options for hardware and software solutions in teaching, learning and research. Stations include:
Solutions to take exhibits and other field trips and experiences to everyone: Stephen Mohring’s virtual exhibit rig + iPads on sticks/wheels
Moodle, Zoom, Panopto: explore new features like accessibility themes, improving academic integrity, protecting intellectual property, increasing interactivity
Research: Tableau for visualizing research
Software tools used differently: LabArchives, Gradescope, EdDiscussion, Hypothesis
Accessibility options in technology
Recording a lecture differently: Lightboard
This session is organized by Academic Technologists and will have faculty examples of how these technologies are being used.
Register to attend this in-person only event.
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