Jul 11

Why Teaching Information Management Helps You and Your Students

Tue, July 11, 2023 • 10:30am - 12:00pm (1h 30m) • Zoom

Students take a lot of computing for granted – finding (stumbling across) information online, writing a paper with a word processing application, collaborating via conferencing, and creating code/images/videos/art work/ individually or with others.  One aspect of this creation of new digital files is the need to save files in certain ways and places, find files for later use, or simply use the tools we have at our disposal effectively.  Simply creating files in the cloud, as many students do, with no regard to where they’re stored or how much space they take up, can lead to headaches down the road, as students suddenly discover that they’ve reached their Drive limit going into senior comps or that they can’t find the essays they need for their sophomore portfolio.  In this workshop, we’ll share with you easy concepts to facilitate managing information (files, citations, assignments, communications, etc) for long term success.  Bring your challenges and issues so we can directly address your curricular challenges with student information management.

Led by Paula Lackie, Academic Technologist

Participants must register for the Zoom link.

Event Contact: George Cusack
Event Link: for More Information

Event Summary

Why Teaching Information Management Helps You and Your Students
  • Intended For: Faculty
  • Categories: Training/Orientation

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