Comps Title: Nasal spreading in theory: An Autosegmental and Optimality Theory approach
Current Employment: Senior Engineering Manager at Functions as a Platform at Target
“Learning to write clearly and effectively is going to be one of your strengths once you graduate. In the grand scheme of things it is my belief that a Liberal Arts education sets you up for success because of how well rounded individuals come out at the end of 4 years at Carleton, and the skills one needs to develop to be able to complete a comps project and defend it give you a framework for self-directed learning and project management that few colleagues later in your life will possess.
“So even if your comps might be as obscure as how nasal spreading works in Johor Malay, the amount of time and dedication you brought to the project and then having to present it to others is a solid 30-40% of my job in Corporate America. If you are able to persuade, influence, and gain favor with people is woven in between how well you communicate in both writing and presenting complex topics.”