Each year, beginning in 2008, the library uses a sample of the papers submitted to the Sophomore Writing Portfolio to help us get a sense of how Carleton sophomores use information in their written assignments. This project has helped us develop new ways of talking about information literacy and new ways of articulating how information literacy functions across disciplines and across genres of writing.
Presentations and Publications
Jastram, Iris, Claudia Peterson and Emily Scharf. “Source evaluation: Supporting Undergraduate Student Research Development.” In the Library with the Lead Pipe 2021.
Jastram, Iris and Danya Leebaw. “Framing Up Information Literacy in Student Writing” at the ARLD Day Pre-Conference Workshop, April 27th, 2017.
Jastram, Iris and Heather Tompkins. “Brewing up New Flavors of Assessment: Using Student Writing as Artifacts of Learning” at LOEX 2015 in Denver, CO on April 30th, 2015.
Jastram, Iris and Heather Tompkins. “Information Literacy, Rubrics, and Writing” at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR on August 18th, 2015.
“Studying the Second Year: College Sophomores, Research Behavior, and Information Communication.” Minnesota Library Association. Presented by Anna Hulseberg, Iris Jastram, Heather Tompkins, and Michelle Twait. October 8, 2014.
Jastram, Iris, Danya Leebaw, and Heather Tompkins. “Situating Information Literacy Within the Curriculum: Using a Rubric to Shape a Program.” Portal Libraries and the Academy 14, no. 2 (2014): 165–86. (Peer Reviewed)
“‘How is this different from critical thinking?’: The risks and rewards of deepening faculty involvement in an information literacy rubric” by Danya Leebaw, Kristin Partlo, and Heather Tompkins. Paper presented at ACRL 2013 conference.
“CSI(L) Carleton: Forensic Librarians and Reflective Practices” by Iris Jastram, Danya Leebaw, and Heather Tompkins. In the Library With the Lead Pipe. December 14th, 2011. (Invited. Peer Reviewed)
“Rubrics, Research Practices, and Student Writing.” State Your Case Symposium 2011 presentation by Heather Tompkins, Danya Leebaw, and Iris Jastram. April 15, 2011. (Invited)
“Rubrics, Research Practices and Student Writing” LTC Lunch presentation by Heather Tompkins, Danya Leebaw, Ann Zawistoski, and Iris Jastram. February 17th, 2011. (Video available with Carleton login)
Suggested Citation for Information Literacy in Student Writing Rubric and Codebook
Gould Library Reference and Instruction Department. “Information Literacy in Student Writing Rubric.” Northfield, MN: Carleton College. 2017. http://go.carleton.edu/ilsw