For faculty
All first-year Carleton students take an Argument and Inquiry (A&I) seminar during their first fall term. The librarian for each First-Year seminar can work with the students to teach them the basics of how to:
- ask scholarly questions
- find & evaluate information
- use information ethically and effectively to make their own arguments
- …and many other important skills
Class activities vary, and can be customized for your class. Some options for working with your librarian include:
- In-class instruction led by a librarian
- Course-specific research guides
- Targeted video instruction
- Intentional use of the Research/IT Desk
- Group or individual consultations with librarians
You can learn more about the skills that Carleton librarians have taught to First-year students.
For students
Are you currently enrolled in an A&I? Check out the A&I research guide.